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The Light and Lightness of God's Love


God so loves the world.

The Gravity of the Situation

We are fallen. Or so they say. It is as if the Garden is somewhere way up there, while we dwell somewhere way down here. But the Garden is all around us, spread across the earth, present in all our personal worlds. It is the garden of God's mercy, the garden of God's peace, the garden of God's love. and it dwells within us. The fall exists in our lowered heads, our sunken brows, our long faces. We betrayed the trust of a loving God and were ashamed. We failed to follow some simple instructions, and then tried to hide. But we were found, God calling to us by name.

We chose to eat from the tree of knowledge, not yet knowing that knowledge would require much learning, the most important lesson being that of God's love. Love is what God does. Love is what God is. Learning is a journey, one that just may take us up a few hills.

Instructions and Illuminations

There was a man whose name was Moses, and during one of the many remarkable episodes in his life, he found himself in the employ of his father-in-law as a shepherd. One day while on a hill tending his flock, he came upon an unusual sight. There was a bush that appeared to be burning, but not being consumed by the fire. It must have been giving off enough light, however, to get the attention of Moses, and although it is nowhere reported, it may be likely that this light shone on him, perhaps enough to make him glow a bit. Moses turned a little to get a better look. He then heard a voice which told him that he was in the presence of the Lord God, the God of his fathers. Moses turned away and moved no closer.

God told Moses that there were some tasks required of him, difficult tasks involving leading a great number of people on a long journey into an unknown land. First, he would have to go to the people and tell them about it. God's people were living under harsh circumstances during this time but that did not mean that they would be ready and eager to follow an unfamiliar fellow into parts unknown. Moses was not very enthusiastic about taking on such tasks and expressed his doubts. Why would the people follow him? Would they even listen? God told him to tell the people who it is who sends him and that He would be with him. God also told Moses that the people would listen to him. And as God had said, the people, many of whom were unenthusiastic themselves, did listen to him, and they followed.

What the people heard from Moses were many rules and laws, instructions on how to live and proper ways to treat others. These instructions were coming from God and at times seemed to have a sternness to them. To many of the people, this God of their fathers was one to be feared; there did not seem to be much love there. But when they were hungry, God, through Moses, led them to drink. When they were hungry, they were provided with fowl to hunt and a bread like substance, which could be collected and eaten. When the people were idle, they were given tasks to perform, tasks that made use of their talents and strengths, providing satisfaction for them.

All this time, Moses was going off by himself to a hilltop where he would converse with God and then return to the people to relay what God had told him. As these communications continued, ideas concerning healing and kindness began to find their way into the conversations. At one point, Moses brought to the people a new commandment: they were to love God with all their hearts, to love God with their very beings.

Moses had been spending much of his time in the presence of the Lord his God, and the people began to notice a change in his appearance when he returned. His face seemed to be glowing, and whether or not he glowed while facing the burning / not burning bush, he definitely did so now. The light he was giving off was enough that many of the people turned away, so Moses began to wear a covering for his face while in the presence of the people, which he removed when he was in the presence of his Lord God.

The people continued to listen to him. And they followed.



Illuminations and Instructions

Many generations later another man whose name was Jesus was on a hill with three of his closest followers. Jesus had a large following because of his healing abilities and his teachings concerning the forgiveness of sins, salvation, and the kingdom of Heaven. He also had a smaller group of disciples, to which the three with him at this time belonged. It was on this hill that Jesus became transfigured, that is, he was brightly illuminated. his clothing becoming a dazzling white. His three companions then saw him conversing with two prophets of old, one of which was Moses himself. A cloud passed over, covering Jesus and his visitors. The three disciples heard a voice saying that the one inside the cloud was the beloved son and that they were to "Listen to Him."

When the cloud passed over, Jesus was again alone with his followers, and together they departed the hillside, The disciples were to listen to him, but was there anything else that he had to say that he had not before?

One day a man, who may or may not have been a follower, but was a man well familiar with the laws set down by Moses, approached Jesus to ask him a question. He wanted to know which of the commandments did Jesus think was the greatest. Jesus told him that he should love God with all his heart, love God with all his mind, love God with all his soul and all his strength. He added that he should love his neighbor as he loves himself. Hearing these age old, yet eternally pertinent ideas, the man departed, happy with the answer Jesus had given him.


Light and Lightness

The call to listen was meant for our ears also. Jesus tells us to love God, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. He is teaching us that they are all basically the same instruction. How can we not love ourselves; how can we not love others, while claiming to love God? Jesus is teaching us how to love like God loves, how to love the world. Loving ourselves is a starting point, and loving others, regardless as to who they are, whether or not they are like us, or if they share our beliefs, is the next step. Jesus is telling us not to turn away, not to hide, but to come closer and be in his presence, where we raise our heads and lift our brows, and where we shine.

As we lift our heads, we may see more of what surrounds us. With love in our hearts, we just may see the world a bit differently, seeing more of its hidden beauty. Perhaps this is God's garden of which we are getting a glimpse.

Being in the presence of Jesus, we may find ourselves at times bowing in reverence and humility, even getting down on bended knee. But it is in the sublime light and overwhelming love of Jesus Christ, that we are lifted.


And so does God love the world.

Author's note

This article is express my own views and feelings concerning these biblical topics. It is not intended to contradict any other views or any beliefs based on them.

© 2018 Paul K Francis