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How Do You Pray—My Honest Confessions

Each day is a new beginning

The morning Sunrise, brings along hope for a blessed day.

The morning Sunrise, brings along hope for a blessed day.

The 'Sunrise'

The 'Sunrise'

My Honest Confessions

Every morning, I sit down to pray--with closed eyes and folded hands--in a Namaskar pose, (Salutations), in dhyana (meditation), and chanting Mantras (chants or sacred utterances).

Soon after, I realize, that my mind is preoccupied with thoughts, about my near and dear ones, their well being, their big and small problems, the big or small issues of the household, or the workplace, the relatives, or the neighbours, or worse enough, the kitchen menu, for the day, or anything on the Earth, for that matter, but—

The God

While the lips are still chanting Mantras, and physically, I am still sitting at the Pujasthal, (The prayer room), the mind is elsewhere.

It’s True!

That the mind travels faster than light, or any other mode of transport.

I feel guilty, and ask for forgiveness to God, for the lack of concentration.

I make a promise to the GOD, that I will concentrate in my prayers from now onwards, whatever may happen, and whatever may be, my cause of worry.

The God is smiling----He always does---- and I feel a sense of relief, presuming that he has forgiven me.

I try to concentrate again----and again---and again!!!

Does this happen to you?

I am sure, this may be happening to others too.

“Sometimes, all it takes is just One prayer, to change everything.”

The 10 Senses (10 Indriyas): Gyanendriyas and Karmendriyas according to the principles of Yoga

  • According to the principles of Yoga, the human body has 5 entrance or exit doors.
  • They are called the Gyanendriyas or the Jnanendriyas, the organs of the senses, namely—the eyes (to see), the ears (to hear), the nose (to smell), the skin (to touch), the tongue (to taste).
  • Gyana means knowledge, and Indriya means senses.
  • The 5 exit doors are called, the Karmaendriyas, the organs for action or work, which includes the hands, the legs, the reproducing and the eliminating doors.
  • Karma means actions, and the Indriyas means the senses.
  • These are Sanskrit words, and the Yogic meditation involves, the conscious and active inclusion, of all these 10 Indriyas, or the senses.
Find God in Nature!

Find God in Nature!

So, How do we Pray and Pray Correctly

As mentioned above, according to the Yogasana or the Yogic Gurus, there are five Gyanendriyas (the organs of senses) and five Karmendriyas (the organs of actions or work).

And when, most of the Indriyas (organs) of your whole being is involved, it is considered as a meaningful prayer, or meditation

But What is True Prayer?

The very desire to sit in front of the God, have his Darshan (manifestation or sight/ vision), share your joys, sorrows, worries with him like a close friend, it is true meaningful Prayer.


The trust and belief, that the Almighty is listening, is aware, and would make matters better, is prayers.
The whole purpose of Prayer, is to open up to him, love him, seek his direction and draw strength from him.

‘Prayers’ are reassuring, they prepare and strengthen us to face the challenges of life.

As it is said, nothing happens without a reason and without 'His' will. So, why not leave it to 'Him', to set things right for you?

Is there some correct way of Praying to GOD?

Prayer can be done in many ways.

  • Thanking Him, for something good, which has happened to you, is also a kind of Prayer.
  • Confessing for the mistakes, you have committed, with a promise to mend them, is also a kind of Prayer.
  • The real Prayer is in fact, to Believe, that 'He' is there for you and 'Have Belief' in 'His' existence.
  • Appreciating the Nature and making efforts to preserve it, is also a form of Prayer.
  • Helping those, who are needy, is also a kind of Prayer.
  • Feeding those, who are hungry, and homeless, is also a kind of Prayer.
  • Never hurting anyone, with your words or deed, and consider each one, as creation of God, is also a kind of prayer.
  • Hate the Sin, and not the Sinner, they say. Therefore, forgiving those, who have done wrong to you, and help them to correct themselves, is also like serving God.
The presence of the Supreme is all around us. We should be able to see it.

The presence of the Supreme is all around us. We should be able to see it.

Preserve and conserve Nature—It is service to God

Preserve and conserve Nature—It is service to God


“The great people of the earth today are the people who pray, (not) those who talk about prayer…but I mean those who take time and pray.”

~ S.D.Gordon

Final thoughts

There are many persons, who do not have enough time for the prayers, because they have many responsibilities, on their shoulders.

Does that mean, that they are doing something wrong, by not sitting in front of the God, and performing their rituals and prayers?

I believe, NOT!

  • The service to the mankind, is service to the God Himself.
  • If you really want to find 'Him', see 'Him', you may find 'Him' in the smile of a child, in the wrinkles of a granny.
  • The joy and satisfaction, which you experience, when you help a poor, helpless and sick person is the real Prayer.
  • To be the reason of someone’s happiness, is also a kind of prayer.
  • To love 'Him,' and seek strength and direction from 'Him,’ to try and perform our Duties, with full sense of devotion, is the real Prayer.

Chitrangada Sharan


“In my deepest and darkest moments, what really got me through, was a prayer.

Sometimes my prayer was, ‘Help me.’

Sometimes my prayer was, ‘Thank you.’

What I have discovered is that intimate connection and communication with my creator, will always get me through. Because I know that my support, my help is just a prayer away.”

—Iyanla Vanzant

Listen to some relaxing music, source: You tube

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Chitrangada Sharan