Does God Really Hear My Prayers?
Does God Hear Me When I Pray?
Prayer is so important in a Christian home. And one reason we know the Lord hears our prayers is because he promised us that he would. Sometimes we don't always get the answers we thought we should get from God but that doesn't mean he didn't listen to us when we prayed. Isaiah 65:24 "Before they call I will answer; while they are speaking I will hear."
The Psalmist said in Psalm 6:9 "The Lord heard my plea; the Lord accepts my prayer." But then why does it sometimes seem as if the Lord doesn't hear our prayers? It could be because we've let sin to take over our lives, and sin always cuts us off from God. It could be hatred, anger, jelousy, or an unclean habit or anything else that pollutes our lives. Which is why you must be sure that you give your life to Jesus Christ, because he came to save the world and to cleanse us of all sin.
Sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers the way and in the time we would like him to. God tends to do things on his time and not on ours. We are by nature creatures of habit and we want results right now so to speak. And when we pray we want our prayers to be answered in a timely fashion, however that's usually not what happens. But don't be discouraged the Lord does hear your prayers and will answer them, but you may have to be patient.
That and what we think is best for us may not be in hind sight what is truly best for us in the long run and of course God knows this. He knows what we need and what we don't need. Matthew 6:8 "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
God Is Listening
Psalm 145:18-19 "He hears their cry for help."
Most people pray because it makes them feel a little better about a certain situation, or circumstance. Maybe your health isn't all that great or you're in financial crisis, most would say a little prayer not even really believing anyone is listening. But prayer is more than just a therapeutic exercise to help us in our time of need. The Bible tells us that the Lord is near to those who call upon him.
We can be sure that God hears our prayers as believers and his followers, Jesus said "You will call me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you." Jeremiah 29:12
God Wants You To Pray
The Bible encourages us to pray and to continually pray for every occasion. Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation."
Do you know why God wants us to pray to him? As a parent we want our children to come to us and ask us for help, we may already know what our children need or want but to hear them say the words, "help me mom." It shows us that our child trusts us and in the same way God wants to hear us ask him for help because it shows him that we trust him and want to be close to him. Proverbs 15:8"The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayers of the upright pleases him."