When Troubles Strike
Don't Roll Over And Play Dead
Get up and fight
Fight with all you have
Because you want too
Not because you have too
Notebook in hand
Cut up fruit and a water by your side
You want to stay healthy inside and out
Don't let other people fool you
Trick you in believing they don't care
If it was up to them
If it was their idea
Watch and see how they would respond
Search and find what makes you really happy
Keep doing it
No matter what other people think
I go back to a simpler time
There is nothing like a nice crunch of an apple
It gets me excited
The juice is so delicious
Mouth watering to say the least
There is no bite I don't like
It may not be candy
I am sure it it more healthy and will give you the energy you so deserve
So if it is late at night
Early in the morning
Let those ideas fly
Take the time
Write or type them out neatly
A chicken scratch idea is good for the chickens
Not good for you or me
Learn from the chickens
Pluck away at it
Just like they do
Day after day
They don't complain and neither should we
Rewrite Your good idea
Over and over
As many times as needed
Act on it again and again
Act on it whenever you can
Act on it when you are tired
Act on it when you are up early
Act on it when you have ten minutes of free time
Make it happen
Above all stop listening to other people
Don't think what they think
Be special
Be different
Be proud
Stand alone and then there will come a time
We will stand together
Sharing not only good ideas that went somewhere
The best part
Our ideas that we alone made happen
Make the world better