We all Know it
We all Know it
We all Know it
Love cannot be words we find in the lofty verses
Nor the high flight into the bosom of the sky
It can't be the beloved captured in the imagination
The dazzling ornaments worn cannot be the pulse of it ever
Nor can it be the swings in the bewitching dwellings
How can it reflect the face in all those expensive attires too
Regard it the heart's silent talk
to the heart understood instant
A sweet knot of the mind to the mind nothing can untie
A simple soft smile playing on the lips which binds rocks
A playful mood indulged in the privacy swelling mirth in veins
The tear drops sparkled in the dulcet eyes in wild excitement
A hearty laugh for a few moments when we forget the world
Feeling nearer and nearer though being far away
A slow soft touch of the hand on the shoulder of the beloved
The sound of steps when we walk hand in hand along the way
A stray moment snatched from the hands of tumult of the world
Harish Mamgain
© 2020 Harish Mamgain