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The Lamentations of the Soul. (Part2)

“I have experienced affliction, by the arrow of God’s Love.

In His Mercy, I have seen the dark night of the soul,

So that I can appreciate the Light;

My chains were like thorns, so that

I could appreciate the blossoming sunflowers.” –Manatita, 11th May 2018



A Free Verse Sonnet

Awakened from the inebriation of my own folly,

Daybreak finds me in unchartered waters.

Lost and lamenting my unpleasant condition,

The agony of shame tortures my Heart.

I feel an unworthiness and lack of self-esteem,

Which now torments my forlorn soul.

My friends said: "Come! Make merry!

Inhale this 'sweet' high!" Now pleasure is the thorn

On the stem of the rose, which stole my joy.


O Love, my Queen! Forgive me!

I had forgotten this wisdom:

"I am the flame of the One,

Burning from isolation,

Striving with longing, to find my way HOME."

-Manatita, The Lantern Carrier. 11th May 2018.

~ Awakening the Inner Light ~


Wisdom from Sri Chinmoy

"Adversity makes you dynamic. Adversity forces your eyes wide apart. Adversity teaches you the meaning of patience. Adversity endows you with faith in yourself...

Adversity, like poverty, is no sin. One merit of adversity none can deny: it helps us to be stronger within. The stronger we are within, the brighter we are without...

A problem increases when the heart hesitates and the mind calculates. A problem decreases when the heart braves the problem and the mind supports the heart. A problem diminishes when the mind uses its search-Light and the heart uses its illumination-Light..." -Sri Chinmoy

Adversity and Emptiness

© 2018 manatita44