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The Fork Fell Twice


The fork fell twice

While I tried to eat some rice

I cooked curry chicken and it was incredibly nice

It was filled with flavour and spice

I was in such a hurry to gobble down the meal

That I could not hold the fork and it fell pass my knee

It fell to the ground which may have had germs

But i had no time to go get another fork while my stomach churns

I picked it up and dived into the food

But before i could make a lift it fell again like a haunted painting in a room


I gave it a stern look while it laid there on the floor

I was getting angry and would not take any more

I gave the fork a stern warning and told it to be still

Else i would replace it permanently and its new home would be the garbage bin

I picked it up again and spun it around

To see if it picked up any bugs off the ground

I dived into my curried chicken once more

And the fork remained still for sure

I enjoyed my meal that day

I love my fork and now it is here to stay.

© 2020 Clive Williams