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Me Time: Few Moments For Myself—Poem

Enjoy some ‘Me Time’

Enjoy some ‘Me Time’

Have Some Me Time: Poem

She wanted to be alone,

Alone with herself,

With a quiet silence,

Nothing wrong with her,

Sometimes, you need that,

To have your own space,

To introspect, to reflect,

To disengage, to de-stress,

At times, you need your own company,

Just to sit leisurely, doing nothing,

To unwind, to unplug,

To ease off, to loosen up,

Stop the speculation,

Stop being judgemental,

Stop the analysis,


Stop the disapproval,

There is nothing wrong with her,

Her life, or her relationships,

Her attitude, or her behaviour,

Leave her alone and at peace,

Let her take a break,

Let her exist, and not just coexist,

Let her believe, that she matters,

Let her have her 'Me Time.'

Having some, Me Time

Having some, Me Time

Thoughts behind the poem

There are times in your life, when you want to sit down, relax, do nothing.

Sometimes you need to have your own company, to connect with your own self, to reflect, to just sit quietly, to give your precious time to self.

Once in a while, we should do only those things, which makes our souls happy.

It’s important to pay attention to yourself, love yourself, because then only you can be content and in a position to love others.

Go ahead, and have your ‘Me Time’, without feeling guilty about it.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Chitrangada Sharan