Silence No More
Today I heard the Mountains in my soul rumble...
There was a stirring, a feeling, circulating and percolating at a high pitch...
Heading straight to the center of my attention about somethings my heart forgot to mention...
Things like trusting the instincts when an alarm in the heart goes off suddenly...
Things that motivate, stimulate, instead of aggravate...
Remembering that when the words I Love You Comes Out The Mouth, they should come with power attached to them, not pretend juice...
Silence no more because in that silence there lies denial and doubts trying to meet secretly, to bring grief, instead of peace to the heart...
Silence no more because my spirits have gathered enough data, to push forward, lead me to where I need to be...
Silence no more because I can't grow standing still...
Silence no more because these are times of action, times of greater commitment to the gifts of delivering the words, that I am blessed and saturated with...
Silence no more because my destiny demands it!
Stepping up, stepping out, for I am a Word Bird and I was born to drop some Powerful words...
Silence no more because my focus was out of focus and it made me angry when I should have been smiling...
Made me for a moment not see the treasure I have before me...
Made me forget that love is always tested, always put on trial and only the truly strong and committed will survive...
Silence no more because my sanity demands it, Love demands it, and the fact that I really am allergic to Bull...t demands it!
© 2020 Malik S Canty