Siblings: A Relationship Forever (Poem)
Siblings: A Relationship of Love Forever (Poem)
Born to the same mother,
They grow up together,
Laugh and Cry together,
Go to the same school,
Share dresses, Share food,
Save each other, from scolds,
Partners in innocent, little crimes,
They share their dreams and desires,
At home, at play, and at the school,
They fight, they tease, they shout,
But, they‘re always for each other,
With each other, like no one else does.
Life is not always the same
Grown from the same strong root,
Nurtured, protected and cared,
Life moves on, and the truth is not pleasant,
Life takes them to opposite directions,
Siblings do not always remain together,
They have to follow different paths,
Just like the branches of a tree,
They spread out in different directions,
To grow, develop and rise,
But in their connected hearts,
The attachment and affection remains,
Love grows each day, to remain forever.
Chitrangada Sharan
"As we grew up, my brothers acted,
as if they didn’t care.
But I always knew,
they looked out for me, and were there."
—Author unknown
Sweet video about sibling love, Source: YouTube
Sibling love, Source: YouTube
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2017 Chitrangada Sharan