Showing Good Example
Righteousness melts wickedness
As goodness melts evil, and as
Light makes darkness disappear
So truth silences lie, he started
Talking to his children of the need
Not to join the multitude to do evil
Come what may, irrespective of what
They may be passing through in life,
They must not join the multitude to do evil
There was once a man in the island
Who was wicked in the land, the man
Claims that he would not have been
That wicked but for the way the
Teacher who brought him up, trained
Him and others, that make his behavior
To change. That teacher was very
Wicked and ruthlessly dealing with
His students. His wickedness would
Later be robbed off the students
Character and it was discovered that
Majority of the students who passed
Through him were also very terrible
They were wicked in all their ways and
In fact some of them were called
“Demon incarnate” because of the
Level of their wickedness. However
Despite many of them being full
Of evil, there are selected few
Among those who graduated from the
Teacher who stand out. One of them
Was unique as he would never
Be harsh on people, he is gentle,
Considerate, meek, and loving to all
Who comes along his path,
Anyone who has had dealings with
Him before had always reiterated that
They love to see him and interact
With him again because of the
Treatment meted out to those
People. When any of those
Who has come across this meek man sees
How others people who have passed
Through the teacher were behaving
They always try to talk to them to change
Their ways, but they will reply that
They cannot, because that was
How their mentor brought them up
And would add that everyone who
Has passed through that teacher
That is how they use to behave. None
Of them can act otherwise they would say.
But some who have seen this unique
Man would tell them that they know a
Man who also passed through the same
Mentor as they are but who is not
Acting the way they are acting. But
Those people would not agree with them
They will tell them that they must be
Kidding and saying such a one may be
Telling them he passed through the
Teacher, but he may not have, he
May have been hearing the story about
The man and has been using the story
He heard to talk to them that he has
Been trained by the man. When the
People who were citing other person
To them discovers that those people
Cannot be convinced. They will let them be.
But one day, one of those wicked people
Saw the person in question as he was
Brought to him and he acknowledges that
The person truly passed through their
Mentor, in fact he received triple
Punishment from their mentor, than
They all had according to what their
Mentor used to say. The person
Admits that for the man to have been
Interacting with people differently showing
Compassion on people he has really
Had another mind in him, he is indeed
Different. Therefore the person says if
The man could have another mind, he
Would also strive to have a different mind
And be interacting with people normally
His wickedness melted before the
Good deeds of the man like shea-butter
Placed in the sun would melt under the sun
It is when you conquer evil with
Good that you show good example,
It is when you live above board that
You show people that you have an
Independent mind, but when you allow
Their attitudes to disrupt and change your
Ways of life, it shows you are
Weak and unreliable. The man
Conclusively said and his children
Thank him saying they shall
Continue to live by his instructions,
Living above board.