Sankhajit Bhattacharjee Poem 67
The son expressed with anger,
‘It’s the right time to take up arms.
I can no longer beg freedom.
I hate taking alms.’
The father narrated firmly,
‘I am not begging my son.
I want to spoil their business.
The businessmen will automatically get worn.’
The son uttered,
‘I will utilize this situation.
I can no longer wait.
I will take to violence to liberate my nation.’
The father informed sincerely,
‘You fulfill your purpose with utter accuracy.
But I will walk along my way.
The whole nation will unite for my peaceful policy.’
They separated due to an ideology clash, not an ego clash
as respect between the two never faded, I suppose.
But who were they?
The father was generous Gandhi and the son, great Bose.
© 2020 Sankhajit Bhattacharjee