Person Who Performs First Would Become Onlooker Later #3
Those people who had talked with him thought he
Is stubborn, heady and obstinate. They leave him to
“Knock himself out” for he will soon regret his decision
And would return to them. He however did
Not change and continued in what he is doing trusting
That one of all his efforts would click one day. Though
He decides to continue but occasionally the words
Spoken to him by his friends would come back to his
Mind and he would want to back off what he has been
Doing. He continued like this until a day that he
Meets someone who is also an internet guru who has
Recently been making waves in the island from his
Blog sites. During the short interaction that he had
With the man he discovered that earning from the social
Media sometimes is not a straightforward matter because
He himself did not start earning from his blog sites
Until he has been operating the blog site for about five
Years. The man says there are times that he will take leave
Off the site because he was thinking things ought to
Have changed financially for him. After weeks of leave
He will return to the site again. He has been operating the
Site on “on and off” basis like this until recently that
Things start to change for him through the site. He concludes
His word with him that anyone who plans to invest on
Blog site or any social media, such a one would have to
Exercise some patience because unlike the adverts on the
Social media, earning from the social media is not a straightforward
Thing. After parting from the young man, he becomes
Motivated by his word and continues with what he has been
Doing, if he can make it through his blog sites, one day, I will
CELINE DION - If That's What It Takes
Also make it from what I am doing on the internet he reasoned
It was a surprise for him one day when he receives an alert
From one of his social media investments. As things changed for
Him financially he started doing what has eluded him for
Years and would again form philanthropy outreach for the indigent
In the society and started teaching people on forex trade and how
They could become a good blogger. People were amazed at the
Changes they noticed in his life, for they had all the while been thinking
That all his investments were internet hoax, which he ought neither to
Dabble into nor invest in by his poor background. He now has
Money and could boost his normal business with some of the income
From his blog sites which make him to be a leading business person
In the island. Since he has been talking with money, those who
Have been looking down on him before have started to sing a new
Song about him. They are feeling sorry for all the horrible words
They have said to him and about him. What they are saying is
They have learnt from him, the lesson is whatsoever anyone feels
Believes and he is convinced that it is a good venture, the person
Should under no guise stop doing the thing, because what
Looks bleak today, what others do not see today, may become a
Bright thing tomorrow with manifold rewards….