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No Reason to Wait

They say we don’t write letters
But that’s not really true is it?
You read from me every day
You know what I’m thinking
I cut out the middleman
And sent it as fast as I can
It just doesn’t have a stamp
There’s no reason to wait

I’m going to smile first
I’ve decided it’s up to me
Friendliness is my choice
It’s something I always knew
I’ll make my heart warmer
Either for Jesus on the corner
Or the lover in my bed
There’s no reason to wait

You’ve had radical times
You weren’t prepared
How could you have been
God’s will never knocks
It just appears in your home
Or on streets paved of stone
But now you can live again
There’s no reason to wait

We are living in the lobby
We expect soon to be called
Inside our hearts we feel it
Special times saved for us
But how do we endure pain
When life seems so in vain?
Please tell us how Lord
There’s no reason to wait


© 2020 Mark Lecuona