Nephew, what are you doing?
No education? Don't worry, I do nepotism
Just come inside, we are family I Know
I will give you a job even though you are a bit slow
Don't worry about Josh, I know he has been here a long time
But that doesn't stop you from supervising that guy
I am the boss, I can do whatever I want
I may be hated later, but that is part of life task
I love nepotism, it is the air I breath
I will hire my friend even if she cannot read
Hey, thanks for your vote, I needed that to win
Now screw who is qualified, give me nepotism
Np one will know how this office is run
We'll be so far in greens like a farmers glove
Come have a drink with me my political pal, it matters not what you know
But be assure that it matters a lot who you know
Just remember that you owe me a big favor
I gave you this big job even though you have no paper
So come now let us ruin the economy together
My faithful nepotistic brother forever.
© 2020 Clive Williams