May Christmas Always Be
Visions of Sugarplums
We all have such special and magical Christmas memories or those of us so lucky, I know. How many have spent every Christmas the same? Decorating the tree with our siblings and parents. Poking or shaking the presents for a clue to what is inside? Preparing for Santa with the milk and cookies?
Most come with colder weather and some snow flurries at least. Parties at school and Christmas plays at church. Did it ever get old or boring? I think not and the excitement started so early. Thanksgiving was barely out of the way until Christmas was right there in our minds!
At least in our earlier childhoods, there were grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. This was the best food of the whole year and the smells were constant if not more than oranges and old fashion candies. Visions of sugar plums did a dance in our heads!
Sugar Plum Delight.
Making Memories
Hi, my name is Lindsey and this is my little brother Tommy
We've been peeping at wrapped presents, 'neath the Christmas tree
Oh, we wouldn’t open them, but we love to always guess what
Knowing Santa won’t bring his until tonight for Tommy, and for me
Our presents are from Mom, Dad and Grandma, under the tree
We help Mommy make Santa cookies and will leave some milk too
It makes the whole house smell so very delightfully delicious
And is such a fun thing at Christmastime, we just always love to do
Peppermint Patty
This year we got to help decorate our big tree on the bottom
Then we sit on the stairs to look down on it, our faces in the bars
It is so beautiful and sparkles and blinks with colored lights all over
Better than laying outside in summer looking up at the stars
It always feels like such magic when Christmas time has come
It seems like it takes forever for it to come back another year
I wish it could be Christmas all the time with people always nice
Waving and visiting, and always love the singing choirs we hear
Christmas Angel
Everyone dresses up in pretty bright colored clothes many days
They look better than they do the whole year long that’s for sure
Even Grandma and Grandpa who are always busy working hard
Wear pretty colors of Christmas time when they come in the door
Wow, tomorrow is Christmas Day and we are so excited it’s here
Mm tomorrow we will smell the turkey baking when we wake up
I will wake Tommy if he doesn’t wake me first to come together
Hurry down to check for missing cookies and milk from Santa’s cup
He always cleans the plate; never leaves a crumb or a drop of milk
Then we will know; yes he made it down that chimney for a snack
He must get lots of snacks that’s why his belly is so big and round
He will leave each of us a special present from the pack on his back
Christmas is so special it’s too bad it can’t be like this all the time
Mom and Dad always smiling and happy and everyone we know
Makes you feel all warm inside; Grandma says that’s Christmas love
Tommy, look, out the big window past the tree; it’s starting to snow!
Waiting for Santa
© 2017 Jackie Lynnley