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Mankind 2.0


Oh God, when will I get an upgrade?

It seems like this body is weak and constantly fades

My mind grows weary each and everyday

But I heard that a new me is currently on its way

My brain is tired and needs a defrag

My feet are tired and constantly drags

My heart does not pump as how it ought to

My locomotion is slowed down to basically naught too

Can you please give me a remake, an upgrade to make me better?

A shiny new body equipped with a colorful sweater.


Yes, I know I am obsolete, just like the age of Pisces.

Upgrade my metabolism to block these diseases

I can’t wait too long in line, I may just expire before the fix

I am not rushing you god but make haste and move quick

I need better eyes, something that allows me to see clearly in the dark

I need gills to, I really want to find Noah’s ark

And if it is not too much to ask, Can I get a pair of wings

So I can scale the ice wall and meet the hidden kings.

Please God, make haste with mankind 2.0

Please, just go go go!

© 2018 Clive Williams