Love Is The Aim
Love is the aim
Messages, Snaps
And a long waits
It ain’t no game
But Is love with aim.
Early morning, and
Midnight messages
Not to chase
But to fill our empty space
Because love is the only aim.
Waiting for days and
Am I losing a piece?
Or it is just my beliefs?
I am okay with all my defeats
As for me,
Love is the only aim for our release.
Beat of oceans
Words by heart, and
Music of soul
I am hypnotised a whole
With zero control
As for now,
Love is the only goal.
How can I forget about your fake refusal
And talks all causal
Have I told you about my love unconditional?
There is nothing about it usual
Let me make it to you visible
So we can love
And be loved
As our aim is to love
And be loved.
Beautiful cherry blossoms and
Quite night
But the night when I will call you mine
And the night when you can’t decline
Our love will shine…
You ask why?
Because from the beginning
Love was the only aim of mine.
- Srushti Gamit
© 2022 Srushti Gamit