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It Was Them...


In the beginning before Egypt, before America, before Russia, and all the so called powers of this world, there was a race that pre-dates the galaxy…

A race that transcended Time and Space…

In the remote hidden part of our mind, the proof of their existence is locked away, waiting to be unleashed so that their former glory and stories can be told correctly…

They are nameless, yet their stories with all the antiquity of the Sun and Moon must be told.

It was THEM who put the ideas and reality of the pyramids in the minds of the Pharaohs…

It was THEM who landscape the Earth from above doing Sky Surveying and drawing throughout the Earth as a testimony of their greatness…


Space travel and exploration is nothing new to those who gave birth to great wonders on the earth.

It was THEM who spoke the words in the book of Genesis, “Let Us Make Man in our Image”.

It was THEM who pre-dated religion in all sects…

It was THEM who inspired the prophets to take a path of righteousness and spread the truth…

Ancient Secrets that man still has no understanding of are buried inside the Star Chart, that is located inside the temple we call our body…

The Earth is nothing more than a Star Ship searching for the Mothership of truth to guide her back home…

The answers lie within each of us, the proof does too…

© 2019 Malik S Canty