In the Eye Of Beauty
There Are So Many Things
We can't see or know them all
They are there
Staring back at us
We can turn away
We can watch carefully
Examining each part like a scientist under a microscope
The again we can be like an Astronomer
Studying the stars
We will never get to be up close
We can only view from afar
Sad in many ways
Then again what beauty hides in the heavens
Do we only see what we have in front of us
Or do we challenge ourselves and see beyond
I think it has to be the right combination of both
With time always nipping at our heels
We don't often make the right choices
I have found more often than not I make the wrong choices
Living with my decisions
Trying to make a better life
Accepting my shortfalls
I brace myself for the worst
Always expecting the best
Watching life unfold before my eyes
Looking into a kaleidoscope
As the colors change constantly
My mind can not grasp its entirety
I can only take in what my brain can comprehend at one moment
So be it
I keep challenging myself one more time
Only to see what I have seen before
Then again to see what I have missed
There is never a happy medium
Only a series of never ending patterns
I may never know the answers
I was along for the ride
Missing out
i would of never have known the new joys
Even though my old favorites
Seemed good enough
Taking on new thoughts and ideas
Are very draining and time consuming
It is the only way to go
If we don't do anything
We will be swept away into the next tide
Where it will be too late
To run and hide