Hidden Shame
The eyes shift downward
Her head drops in shame
Too many years she’s been called ugly names
Boney, skinny, string bean, too tall in height
High yellow, light bright and damn near white
They yanked her pigtails shouting “good hair”
Ignored her on the playground as if she was not there
Flat chested with toothpick legs they say
Sometimes telling her she cannot play
The mirror indicates to her that it's true
There's no one to tell her you just be you
Embarrassed disrespected rejected and hurt
Laughed at scorned kicked down in the dirt
In adulthood weight and confidence have been gained
But painful childhood memories will always remain
Sometimes still her reflection has cast down eyes
Indicating the hidden shame she still carries inside
She tries so hard to not to seem insane
Bit the chold hood memories of pain, remain.
© 2020 Cheryl E Preston