He Stuck to Her #3
Thus, the security personnel have been alerted and trailing her. But they
Couldn’t get her, though they have gotten others and have sentenced them. In the
New island that she gets to, she found a man whose earning is below average and they
Got married to each other, have three children, one male and two females. She has
Now become a wealthy woman for all the money stashed away has been used in
Starting a new life in that island. About thirty years after this, one of the group members
After serving her jail term also left the island for another to start a new life. Unlike
Her that saved her things she did not save her lot and have been confiscated by the
Government of the island. For shame the woman moves to another island to settle
And see if she could start something new, for it is said, that when there is life there
Is hope and that when there is life, one must still continue to struggle. The island she
Relocated to happens to be the island this late man’s rich daughter also relocated to and
Changed her identity. She has been hearing of the wealthy woman, before she got to
The island, because some of her company’s product gets to their island, she also
Heard of her philanthropy services but she has no inkling that she could be the one
Because of the tribal marks on her face and because she has been sought for all
Over the world and the theory put forward by the intelligence agencies was that she
Died in a car accident when she was being hotly pursued by some other cultists that
Their gang have dealt with. The members of her gang initially did not believe that
Theory because of what she said while throwing in her towel, but on another note they
Reasoned that she may have retraced her step back into the nefarious acts when she was
Being cheated by someone what is constant in human life is a change, and it will
Not be difficult for her to change since she has trod the path before, thus the people
Believed when her traces could not be found anywhere in the neighborhood that she
May eventually have died in the car accident. Because of this she never gives it
A thought that she could be the one. However, one day, she was at a function that
The wealthy woman organized and while the woman was addressing the crowd she
Notices her accent and said this resembles her voice. She thence made inquiries
Into her past and that was when she discovered that she was not a native of the land
And had relocated to the island decades back. After her marriage to the man, their
Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me
Fortune changed she gathered from her inquiries. It was then she knows that she is
The one that has been sought for, for years. She sends message to the law enforcement
Agencies of her island that their theory was wrong as the person they thought was dead
Is well and alive. She sends the details of her to the enforcement agencies and she
Was trailed to the island and arrested. It was then she confessed everything at the court
To the judges. She was also sentenced to 14 years imprisonment based on the defense of
Her counsels. She thought all would be over between her and her spouse and her
Children would renounce her but they never did, they told her that she has been
Everything unto her and would wait as long as it takes for her to get out of the prison
The man says he does not marry an occultic person he married a caring, loving,
Industrious, respectable woman. What else could he have wanted in life than her? If
Not for her he would not have been whom he is, though if he has been destined to be
Rich it could still happen according to the theorem of people, but if that
Happens he may not have the kind of peace of mind that he has, which she gives him
And their children. They go to the prison regularly to give her their support.
She has barely spend three years in the prison custody when another government
Takes over, and she was one of those the leadership of the island freed. It was a
Happy reunion for the family.