Forgive Me .
Forgive me if I forget to ask you how your day was.
Forgive me if I go for a days without saying nothing to you.
Forgive me if I forget to meet the many promises have made to you.
Forgive me if am not able to walk with you through your tough times.
Forgive me if I forget about how special you are.
Forgive me if am not the first person you'd run for help.
Forgive me if I forget to tell you that you are amazing. Forgive me when am not really me...
Forgive me for failing to understand sometimes...
Forgive me even when am right and make you feel stupid...
.. Forgive me should I ever forget us.
Forgive me if I forget to whisper that I love you when we hug .
Forgive me when I forget to say your cooking was perfect.
Forgive me when I seem to forget that you ate all I need.
Forgive me.
Inkmade. ™
© 2019 Amani Utembu