Draw From the Reader
A Lovely Picture
Home grown
Catching the wild eyes of any passerby
Step it up
Pull in every direction
One on one
Put the gloves on
Digging into the passion
Giving it all you have
Endless hours of slow torture
Only to work and rework
Connecting on all levels
Stimulating your imagination
Begging for your attention
Igniting the fire
That will continue to burn
Long after the flame is out
Finding the powers to be
Rattling the brain
Triggering every emotional connection
The final leap
Jaw dropping suspense
To make you yell or scream from the top of your lungs
Silently weep when no one is looking
So natural and all out beautiful
Taking away the loneliness
Of a quiet Monday afternoon
Bringing out the pleasure of a family
Sharing laughs and joys
That happened all week
Making Sunday a fun day
Wherever you are
Pick up the phone
Say hey
To all those people you meant to see
But don't get around to it
It doesn't have to be hard
It is quite easy
Watch me
I was just thinking of you
I didn't want another second to pass
Without showing you
I am so glad we could connect
Life is busy
I will let you go
Until next time
Take care
You are in my thoughts and prayers