Come, My Beautiful Light, Come! To My Dear Friend, Carb Diva
O Light, my Beautiful Light.
You have come to me,
From beyond the craters of the sun.
Above the shimmering waves,
You kiss my breath,
Pull on the memories of my yesterdays.
Swinging on the sweet pillars of eternity,
I lie serene, on the lap of the Unseen.
O Light, I am the music You create;
You are the sparkle that dances,
At the core of this perennial Love.
I glide, like an eagle, in the bliss of Thy infinitude,
Soar with the cluster of birds,
As they illuminate the sky.
O Light, my beautiful One, Come!
I travel through Time;
Watch Your twinkling star,
As it guides the Magi to the child in swaddling clothes,
Lying in a Manger.
High in the chimney You lie,
Adorning the rays of Santa Claus,
As You prepare him for the Christmas Joy.
I hear Your jingling bells, sparkling in the twilight,
Feel Your sweet thrill, dancing in the Spirit of Christ.
You reveal Thyself, in the immaculate purity
Of our Lord, paving a path of effulgence,
For me to find my way home.
O Light, my Beautiful Light, Come!
Manatita, The Lantern Carrier. 14th December, 2017.
~ Awakening The Inner Light ~
Quote from Manatita
"What is Light? the polestar pierces the darkness of the night and illuminate the sky, much like the flame of a candle does to a darkened room. So too,the dark night of the soul awakens to its inherent lustre, when it unites once more with the Beloved and become One. Yet before this happens, phases of this sweet spark, appear as beacons to encourage the soul."-Manatita
Wisdom of srichinmoy
Quote from Manatita
"The radiant glow of outer light, is symbolic of the Light within each soul, striving to manifest, in myriad ways, the same one Truth." -Manatita
Togore's Poetry
The Light of Christmas
© 2017 manatita44