Come! Let's Take A Walk Back To Our Childhood
Come! Let's Take A Walk Back To Our Childhood
Come! Let's take a walk back to our childhood,
Where the days were too small and nights long,
Where there was no enmity only brotherhood,
Where everyone was right and none wrong.
Come! Let's walk together on those old paths,
When we had much time for our next of kins,
When matriarchs 'n' mommies called us for baths,
When playmates were bruvver and bruvs were twins.
Come! Let's walk down the lanes of innocence,
Where it was plain- sailing to bow and bid a sorry,
Where one could perceive others' deep heart's resonance,
Where the heart had a profound golden words' quarry.
Come! Let's take a walk to childhood again,
Where the immature hearts were humanly mature,
Where there wasn't any relationship for loss or gain,
Come! Let's take a walk back to make the moments capture.
Come! Let's take a walk back to our childhood,
Come! Let's take a walk, back to our childhood.
© 2020 Monika Kushwaha