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Best Thing Than Slice Bread - A Unique Love Poem

Better than Slice Bread

Better than Slice Bread

My darling, you are the best thing than sliced bread

Happiness exploded in my throbbing heart the day we wed

I now will have you forever in my pan of baked things

Holding hands, kissing and admiring rings

I will butter you down slowly and spread evenly

I will taste you and that will be heavenly

I will have you with my coffee in the mornings

I will have you with my coffee in the afternoon

I will have you with my coffee in the evening too

My love is fiery hot like an oven for you.


Oh my love, each day we are together is like a river of cinnamon

Come close in my arms, my baby, my lover, my sweet hon

There is nothing better, nothing sweeter to me

Than you, me, us, we.

You are better then slice bread indeed

Better than simply hanging out with a gang of Rastas smoking weed

Let us admire the full moon together and howl like wolves

You are my cow and I your bull

Together we will grow in love and walk the path that heaven makes

Blended together like the ingredients in a cheese cake.

© 2020 Clive Williams