Alphie the Alpaca Asks a Lot of Questions - a Children’s Flash Fiction Story
Alphie the Alpaca asked
A lot of questions
He asked them at breakfast
He asked them at lunch
He asked them at dinner
He asked them in a bunch
He asked a lot of questions
To everyone he knew
The chickens, the pigs
The old mother goose
The horses, the sheep
To the crotchety old mule
To the farmer, his wife
A daughter named Jewel
Till one day everyone said
Alphie enough is enough
Answering all you questions
Has become quite tough
It’s taking too much time
So if you please, if you may
Ask but one question
Each and all of the days
Alphie thought for a minute
He thought for an hour
He thought some more
Alphie had many questions
More questions than before
Alphie decided right then
He decided right there
He had to get answers
Though he did not know where
He thought I’ll take a walk
Down the long windy road
He walked and walked
Till he spied a cranky old toad
He asked the old toad
Mr. Toad, which way should I go
To get all the answers to
The questions I don’t know
The toad croaked a loud harrumph
And then hopped away
Alphie stood there for a moment
Then continued on his way
He hadn’t gone very far
When he saw an old bear
Trying to get some honey
From a bee hive way up in the air
He surely would have answers
To the things Alphie wanted to know
Up to him he walked
Up to him he did go
“Hey Mr Bear”, He called out
Can you answer my questions
Answer them with no doubt
He looked at Alphie then let out
A right grizzly little laugh
He said I have no answers for you
So go, be on your way
You’re keeping me from my honey
On this bright and cheerful day
He reached back up in the tree
Alphie gave Mr Bear one last look
No answers here, no answers for me
He started to think
He began to ponder
Should I turn back
Or continue to wander
But truly, really, maybe
Right there just ahead
Around the next corner
Answers would go unsaid
Alphie stood there a moment
He stood there a little longer
You know important things
Take a long time to ponder
Alphie made up his mind
He would keep going on
His search for answers
Was not quite done
He walked and walked a long way
Then walked a little more
Till he spied a wise owl
He knew from sometime before
A wise owl by the name of Al
Who once lived in his barn
Way back down the road
Way back home at the farm
“Good day Mr Owl. Good day to you
Alphie said with a smile
Fancy meeting you way out here
May I come talk with you a while
May I seek some of your advice
From one so smart and wise
The owl looked down at Alphie
His eyes as wide as wide could be
“I must say, I must ask
Alphie, is it you my eyes do see?
Alphie with so many questions
My head would start to spin
Trying to get out my answers
Before the next one you’d begin
So come closer, come closer
I’ll spend some time with you
And if you have some questions
I’ll answer them, it’s what I’ll do
So Alphie sat and talked to owl
He talked until the midday light
He thanked Mr Owl, headed home
He said, “I’m gonna take your advice.
To learn to listen more.
Ask questions less.
Cause listening to friends
Is always the best.”
The End
© 2021 Timothy Whitt