A Sad Day Turned Around And Made Better
A Familiar Ring
Today started off great
Both my wife and I slept late
I got up to make breakfast
The simplest way
A few eggs, toast and a vitamin
The doorbell chimed
I could see the top of the outside screen door open
Through our solid white front door
Someone was standing there
In the past it wasn't a good thing
It meant a summons to court
Someone selling something and I have to break their heart and say no thank you
The Harry Christeners going house to house
Most people we know use the side door
There was a lovely lady letting us know a cat had been hit by a car
She didn't hit the cat but she wanted to find the owner
It was a beautiful grey and white cat
I said it wasn't our cat but the neighbors next door
Our neighbor left for work this morning
She wouldn't be home till later
I went out to see what I could do
The sweet cat owner herself had already moved the cat out of the road
The little cat had died
I put the poor cat in a shoe box with a towel and a toy
People travel fast on our road
It was an accident
It makes me mad the other driver never stopped
Another neighbor seen the whole thing
The accident happened just minutes before
Most people are animal lovers even if we aren't people lovers
To feel the sadness of a loss of a pet
Is emotional and painful
I thought about our own cat that got hit by a car years ago
How devastated we were
When that driver came to tell us
How sorry he was
It happens
They call them accidents for a reason
Our cat was busy chasing moles across the street
Cats roam around and live free
After a little bit we got talking
The woman was so kind to stop
She lives down the road in the same town
We maybe would of never met
If it wasn't for this unfortunate accident
To see the thoughtfulness in people
When a tragedy strikes
Makes me smile
Not on the outside where everyone can see
But in the inside where few people will never know
My wife got to talk to her also
It is amazing how you can mention so much in a half an hour
We talked about flowers and life
Upon leaving we parted friends
You never know when our own time is up
Until then we are blessed
Please make today special
With family, friends or a person who you just met
Then when our day comes
I honestly think
We know in our own heart
All the things in our life
That we got to think and feel
Made life so much worth living
I am glad I lived the life I did