A Haiku Anthology
What is a Haiku Poem?
Basic Definition
A haiku is a three-line poem where the first line has five syllables, the second has seven, and the third has five. The style originated in Japan, and while anything can be the subject, most traditional haiku are about nature or natural wonders.
Here’s a haiku:
"If you can’t pronounce
the word haiku, remember
big HIGH, little coo."
The word haiku is a shortened version of the Japanese phrase haikai no ku, which translates as “light verse.”
(source: Vocabulary.com)
Pond Life
1. Turtle lifts its head
To inhale a breath of air
Then dives back under.
2. On the lily pond
Dragonflies skim the water
Bullfrogs call a mate.
3. Sacred lotus bloom
Sitting silent in the pond
Your beauty worshipped.
4. Green frog in a pond
Sitting on a lily pad
Croaking in delight.
5. No ugly duckling
But just a beautiful swan
Gliding gracefully.
6. A pond attracts life
Frogs, turtles, bugs, and flowers
Each one has its place.
Praying For Rain
7. Is climate change real?
Causes much heated debate
Or is that cool maybe?
8. The sun is shining
There's not a cloud in the sky
The drought is too long.
9. Fires out of control
Destroying homes and wildlife
Let's all pray for rain.
10. Rain, rain hear our call
The land is parched and dying
Resurrection time.
11. Look up at the clouds
Floating white in the blue sky
Will they form rain drops?
12. A fresh breeze blows in
Signalling a storm's approach
We should take cover.
13. Waking up to rain
Tap tapping on the window
Makes my day happy.
14. The weather is hot
But it’s raining outside
Humid but welcome.
15. It’s raining again
Thunder and lightning
Storm before the calm.
16. After the rain ends
A rainbow may soon appear
Where’s the connection?
Bodies of Water
17. A small stream trickles
But as it travels it grows
Into a river.
18. The river is wide
Flowing and meandering
Through hills and valleys.
19. The river rages
Destroying all in its path
Flood waters, beware!
20. The sea is so vast
Connecting the continents
Ships sail across it.
21. Mighty waterfall
Nothing is more beautiful
Or more powerful
22. Give praise to the lakes
Water sport recreation
Fishing and boating.
23. A bear sits watching
The rivulet flowing by
Fish for lunch today.
24. Salmon swim upstream
Against the flowing current
Spawn, then die, the quest.
25. Water, all around
We need it for survival
And to keep us clean.
© 2020 John Hansen