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A Birthday Greeting to the Lord


On that very special morning, you were born,

Our Christ and the Savior, is Jesus, our Lord.

Though in other places, it was to be scorned,

A jealous king who ruled over all by the sword.

You mother Mary was so wise then to go away,

As Joseph and she traveled far, they did pray.

Across the desert and on to Bethlehem to stay,

Until your fine birth that we all celebrate today.


Baby Jesus, you were born in a stable there,

Visited by shepherds, and wise men, to care.

Such a beautiful young one was a child to be,

Brought gifts and guided as by a star did see.


The angels all announced your birth on high,

As many knelt by your manger, some did fly.

The Nativity, our wonderful Christ child's birth,

The reason for celebration all about this earth.


More than two thousand years ago, forever more,

Jesus lives in our hearts and souls, by the score.

Our savior and teacher, we'll love you, all to adore,

As we carry your sacred cross, always to go before.

Every child of God reveres you so, this you'll know,

As each year we all remember you, love we'll show.

No matter where we may go, new world to explore,

Your life and sacrifices you made, we shall implore.

Glory to God in he highest, peace and goodwill toward all...

Glory to God in he highest, peace and goodwill toward all...