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4:00 PM


Times of life has trouble and problem to solve and overcome. It reminds us that God is present all the time to aid us. Time remembers us also that the works of God never stop acting on us. It also prompts us to use it for good and pleasing to God.

Be very careful, then, how you live —not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Ephesians 5:15-17 NIV)

A force push me to write a poem

While thinking a way to combat the problem

I get my phone and notice the time 4:00 PM

And start to write with the title of that time

I'm marveling why 4:00 PM is the title

It reminds me that amid my tough battle

God’s presence and power stays and will not tumble

It is present anytime to aid me in overcoming my struggle

4:00 PM reminds me also that life is a journey in time


Along the way, there is an obstacle or a problem

Troubles and difficulties are present in the appointed time

Solutions from God will be visible also in the designated time

4:00 PM reminds me also that time is precious as gold

I have to use it to glorify and obey what God has told

Never utilize it to live a life that conforms to the world

But to spend it to live a life pleasing to the Lord

4:00 PM reminds me also that I’m still existing

I thank the living God for I am still breathing

His everlasting love and care continue in nurturing

And providing my life with the essentials of valuable living


© 2021 Rosualdo Ponce