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The Four Personal Philosophies That I Live By

Ever since the death of my Dad, I ran into several problems – some serious and some not so grave. But very soon, I developed four philosophies about life that I have complied with until now. And because of them, things didn't turn out cloudy regarding my interactions with others from all walks of life. They may or may not surprise you, but the second one might shock you a little.

Here they go:

Pic: Bad Behavior in Return for Bad Behavior

Pic: Bad Behavior in Return for Bad Behavior

My Number One Philosophy

If someone behaves well, of course, you will behave well. However, if they conduct themselves malignly, you also act the same. It will make them think, "Oh! She can react badly also."

A male friend once imparted this suggestion to me when I told him some problems I was going through after my Dad expired. I found this piece of advice very useful. My friend lucidly understood my worries, but my parents never taught me this concept. I reckon they wanted me to behave well under all circumstances and be the always-good girl.

I find this philosophy brings circumstances under my control and dilutes my problems. It has helped me all along.

So many people have tried to manipulate me. When I was younger, I found it uncomfortable to offend older people when they themselves did so. I am in my late 40s now. And I find it easier to act obnoxiously when anyone behaves in such a manner.

Pic: How to Handle When Someone Calls You Stupid

Pic: How to Handle When Someone Calls You Stupid

My Number Two Philosophy

You are stupid to think I am stupid.

It is another philosophy of mine that has been helpful for me all the way through. So many ill-mannered people crossed paths with me, and without fully understanding me, they underestimated me and considered me a lunatic.

But when I uttered the above statement, it would catch them off-guard and abruptly halt their conversation. They had nothing else to say. So, the victory was mine.

It is why I have confidence now that I can work out something or create something smartly. When people don’t appreciate it or imply otherwise, I readily make my bold statement, and they are petrified.

Maybe now you are wondering who helped to give me such valuable philosophy. Yes, I will gladly share it here. That was the UK's top astrologer, the late Jonathan Cainer, who said this in one of his daily forecasts to Virgos. My birth sign is Virgo.

Since then, his particular advice stayed ingrained in me, and the philosophy worked wonders for me numerous times whenever I uttered it until today.


Pic: Healthy Diet, Healthy Well-being

Pic: Healthy Diet, Healthy Well-being

My Number Three Philosophy

Health is wealth.

It is an old and wise adage. You may think of all the money in the world and work hard day and night without any fun and laughter, and your health will be at stake. It’s so important that you take care of yourself and more so as you age. Health is, of course, wealth. If your health fails you, all the money in the world is meaningless to you.

Therefore, it is imperative that you keep yourself fit and healthy and then enjoy all the luxuries in your life, which you can offer yourself and your loved ones. There is no better asset than health, and this is why I think every workaholic should try to understand this simple concept and prioritize their activities of the day, including mandatory self-care. I cannot emphasize enough the significance of taking care of your health. It is just so vital for your good life.

I too make some “me time” every day for myself for self-care, thoughts, and reflections. The outcome is always good, helping me to become a better and happier person. My physical health and mental health remain good, and I am grateful to the Almighty for that.

Pic: Dale Carnegie’s Renowned Book

Pic: Dale Carnegie’s Renowned Book

Number Four Philosophy

I try to appreciate and motivate my well-wishers and those I love dearly. I find something genuine to praise about them so that I make their day. In this way, indelible friendships and bonding develop, which I feel good about.

It is what I inferred in my own words after learning from Dale Carnegie and his famous book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

It is important that you have a social circle where you can enjoy, chatter, and exchange ideas. But sadly, as the years went by, I lost touch with all my friends and relatives for personal reasons. But I have my original family close to me, and we discuss issues and problems together and enjoy good times and celebrations up to the brim. When you are alone, I believe Big Gods are with you. I always find solace in prayers, holy verses, and the Quran.

As for sharing ideas and for friendships, I look forward to It has many deficiencies and flaws, but I love the bonding in this platform.

I try to pen my best comments in response to fellow writers' articles in the forums. I try to compliment my family members and also strangers and make the day happy for them. When I make others happy, I make myself happy, and the feeling is contagious wherever they or I go about.

However, I ignore backstabbers, backbiters, or those I cannot trust. I keep my distance from them and make it obvious to them that I will not interact with them.


In conclusion, the above are the four personal philosophies I rely on for my well-being and peace of mind. I would like to know the philosophies you live by; so, we can learn from each other and live far better off. Leave your comments regarding this in the discussion forum thread where somebody will post the link to this article. Thank you.

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2023 Rosina S Khan