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How I Got Over My Depression

Spirited Girl, Overcoming Depression

Spirited Girl, Overcoming Depression

Since the beginning of this year, 2024, I have been taking action toward two of my close-to-heart goals. The first one was rejected in February. The second one went immaterialized on April 16.

The first one was a dear goal. And the curve for my energy has been going spirally downward since its rejection. I have been extremely depressed. I will not mention my goals here. Because they are better done if secret. That’s what I have been doing according to a YouTube video:

“5 Things Never Share With Anyone by Einstein”

5 Things Never Share With Anyone by Einstein

The days got from bad to worse with me gasping for air, my heartbeat going fast, rushes of adrenaline, and whatnot!

But I kept my faith in God and prayers. I said the same positive prayer even when I had bad times and bad days.

At this point, I remembered I read a novel last year penned by someone who was once dominating and in terrible mental health. She took the faith of God and cured herself. Her newsletters still come to me. They are Christian beliefs. I just wanted to know how her faith in God was magical for her and healed her.

As I said I kept praying. Some days I was so depressed that I even missed prayers. In the morning, when I woke up, I just ate breakfast, forgetting to pray. But gradually, I came to pace with life and my prayers. But I was still depressed.

April 16: Misalignment and immaterialism of my 2nd goal. It didn’t hurt me at all. But deep inside I knew I regretted it. I wanted it to come to fruition.

April 17: The Magic. I understood Karin Thompson how her faith in God healed her.

My heart seemed bruised, my head was aching with headaches, and the air outside was so hot that I thought I would pass out.

I quickly made myself cold orange juice. I splashed tap water over my hair, hands, and face. My hair was shampooed and dry, and the heat was getting absorbed inside. Mom bought a little bottle of vitaminized oil, and I put a little in my hair. I took a Tylenol tablet for my headaches.

Then I sat down to pray my Asr prayers a little late. As I ended my prayer, I felt my heart heal, the headaches gone, and my depression left me. My faith in God helped me. I was smiling, looking at the small goals I made this year:


1) I wrote the Computer Science eBook, “The Magical Guide to Algorithm Analysis and Design” and had it published on a free eBooks site.

2) I am better bonded with the parlor I go to.

3) My recent article on HP appeared in the weekly newsletter.

4) I lost 2kg. I need to lose many more though.

Yes, those are the goals I did materialize this year so far. I thanked God for healing me. He always has a plan for everyone. If some goals did materialize for me, I am not a complete failure so far.

I started believing partially in numerology. I know seeing repeating numbers can lead to making great fortunes. For example: 1010, 1111, 1212, 1112, 222, 333, 445, 444, 555. Seeing repeating numbers on car plates, on your phone, laptop, or wall clock can lead you straight to abundance and prosperity. They are just good and effective signs that you are near to financial freedom. These numbers lead you to serendipity and synchronicity. I explain those terms below:

Serendipity means luck, or good fortune, in finding something good accidentally.

Synchronicity is what happens when seemingly unrelated events coincide in improbable ways that have some sort of significance for you.

So, numerology is very mysterious and thrilling. When I see repeating numbers, I say, Allah, the Almightiest, the most Gracious, and the most Merciful, I remain in gratitude.

Even on April 17, I saw repeating numbers on the time of my laptop or smartphone or the wall clock. And I made the same statement addressed to Almighty Allah before I faced the miracle at the end of my prayer in the afternoon.

There is another entity I am grateful for: My brother. I like his gifts to me whether it is my birthday or an Eid festival. He even went to Bangkok for a holiday with his wife two months back but didn’t forget to bring me gifts of my choice. There was a smartphone bag, and inside, there were a small diary, two sets of coiled hair bands (just like analog telephone wires fused together in a small circle), the sets being in gray and hazel green, a cyan bracelet, and small earrings.

Remaining in gratitude is part of the formula for your dreams to come true.

I conclude here saying, “Thank you, Almighty Allah, for always looking after me.” Like I utter every time in my prayer, I once more say, “I hang on to Your rope so that You will never let go of me.”

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2024 Rosina S Khan