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When Is Enough.... Enough? Through the Looking Lens of Rationality.

It was occasionally the worst of time but mostly it was the best of times. But now as 2021 closes perhaps this timeless saying should be reordered?

A Reddit post on the subreddit r/OldSchoolCool, a nostalgia-inducing, make makes ya want to open a photo album (yes a physical one, they do exist!) and find a picture with that old washout feel that makes you remember the days when life made sense.

A Reddit post on the subreddit r/OldSchoolCool, a nostalgia-inducing, make makes ya want to open a photo album (yes a physical one, they do exist!) and find a picture with that old washout feel that makes you remember the days when life made sense.

Distance Will and Most Certainly Does Make the Heart Grow Fonder.

Even at the ripe age of 25 years young, I find myself now reflecting back, yes reflecting on my milestone of a quarter of a century and the years that they entailed. A quarter-century where I've been granted the joy of a close and for the most part caring family unit, My Mother Vicky (Age 59, born 1962) My Father Allan (Age 59, Born 1962 as well) my Sister Amanda (Age 34, 9 Years my Senior, Born 1987). And my Dearest and truest companion to date, Elizabeth my grandmother (Deceased as of 2015, Age 94) for whom I credit as the most amazing woman to have ever graced my life with her one of a kind spark of life which, an energy like no other has ever been and always the only true unbias voice in my life that gave me the ideals and values I carry ever so vehemently.

Ideals such as the notion that I should grow up and experience life as I am without any notions nor feelings of ineptitude, incompetence, inadequacy and the like, and this shouldn't be a big shock to you dear reader that is exactly what I did! And time and time again when it would seem that life's pratfalls through discouraging as for all of us especially through those naive childish years of youth I look back at so fondly with many a familiar smile and perhaps a tear or two from my eye's if anything to remind me of what great any joyful time's I had...They were the best of times and they were the times in which I could never wish to forget.

A small town that never changes.

A picture of my town captured from google earth still after all these years my small town is still around 1200-1300 population.

A picture of my town captured from google earth still after all these years my small town is still around 1200-1300 population.

Values, Ideals and Scruples

Once not so very long ago you may remember, things were still as turbulent and abrasive but yet not so. These were times when fundamental truths and these were times of community and these were times of understanding and acceptance, and acceptance we did. We accepted the good and the bad and we were better people for it stronger people for it! Now in the modern age the year 2021 soon 2022 and I look around and see all these people from different areas of the world and they aren't what they were raised to be. Those teachings we inherited from our forebears were those two very human ideals. So then why is it then that we divide amongst the community that once knew how to accept even what they don't like about the fellow man due to that so soft of ego and fragile of complexes where such minor slights are taken so wholeheartedly?


When did people begin to allow such division over such trivial and pathetic, arbitrary and asinine Ideals to corrupt and slowly devour the one wholesome demeanour that was our most basic of values and shakes and pervert the scruples we hold our very individual selves! Look at The United States, but not the country but rather the symbol. it is a monument to the ingenuity of Mankind as its whole! And what do the stewards of such an important symbol and fountain of hope and perhaps to some faith? Scwabble, fight, demanding fellowing American assimilation or dissimilate, but the absurdities don't cease with that. The people their egos swell so and their paranoia tickled by as it as a nationwide sense of mass hysteria, of say a third of the nation!

Now I'm not choosing on whether who's in the right and who's in the wrong but the entirety of States needs to go back to their roots, and from those who do take my advice I hope you will remember even if it is like myself with nostalgic rose-tinted glasses and remembers not too long ago when we still had understanding and acceptance for one another good and bad. And rebuild our sense of self-worth so when the rest of the world sees the symbol of the United States has its self-worth back and that will embolden and empower the future under that symbol and then for the time I bet it's gonna look beautiful.

Not too far gone!

So to tie this article back together, ad to clarify what I'm suggesting is that we take a step back and give our heads a shake. The division is a slippery slope and eventually if given enough time without more sensible heads ready to speak up we can surely find ourselves destroying the values and ideals that we learned in our youths and not betraying our scruples. We need to understand that to accept someone we need to do so fully not only the good but the bad ESPECIALLY the bad, because when left unchecked the bad grows slowly at first but snowballs and slowly but eventually becomes a greater demon than ever expected.

And it isn't too much to ask for, we must use sensibility and believe we are strong enough to resist the urge to complain and feel sorry for ourselves. And dear reader trust me on this, it isn't hard, you remember I'm sure the days I speak of so please for your country please for yourself please for society in a whole take what you read here and take it into your heart so in the future hopefully not too far we can become a better us and then have a brighter future for it.

© 2021 Troy Metro