Merger. The key to so much
There is an amazing pattern to our existence. Merger. It's the key to explaining so much.
We all know about atoms. They merge creating new things in our level of existence. But why do they merge? Well, there is a rule they follow known by science. Every atom must try to maintain or get back to its lowest energy level.
This is a need atoms have. It would be easy if they were alone, but they aren't and interaction causes higher energy levels. This can't be maintained for ever, so demands resolution. Atoms, like us, can push each other away, destroy each other, or merge with compatible atoms.
Merger gives them more stability and lower energy levels. Safety in numbers. And again, merger creates things, like hydrogen and oxygen together make water. By itself hydrogen can't explode or catch fire. But if oxygen is around it can, and the result is water, which can put out fires.
These mergers created stars when they reached critical mass, and planets etc when they didn't. And on those planets chemicals mixed and merged creating all we see.
Now, atoms/chemicals obviously created single cell creatures eventually. They have needs too. And they interact. As cells merged larger things were produced, and eventually us. We are an individual made out of billions of individual cells, merged together. Again, safety in numbers and more stability. And each of them is millions of atoms. And at all levels high energy interaction can't last forever. You need rest or things go wrong.
And it doesn't end there. There are large creatures in the sea made of thousands of small creatures merged together as one large one. Like cells, each having its own job in the system.
When we were cave people we lived in family tribes. We were scared of others. they stole our resources. we raped murdered and even ate each other. Back then you had a 50/50 chance of being murdered. But we all need security, stability and prosperity to meet our needs. So we started to merge with compatible tribes. Safety in numbers, more stability. We made laws/rules to protect ourselves from each other.
We kept merging. Towns, cities, city states, empires, countries, nations, allied nations and multi cultural societies. Now you have about 2 percent chance of being murdered. And we can prosper more and better meet our needs. And all due to self interest, produced by those needs. The more we merge, the better for everyone. But it's a slow painful process at times.
Morality is based on self interest. Don’t want crap dumped on your head? Don’t do it to others and it’s far less likely to happen to you. Empathy shows us the suffering of others, and lets us imagine what it would be like if it happened to us. It is in your best interest to not intentionally harm others, that way you are less likely to be harmed yourself.
Without merger we'd still have no stores, hospitals, schools etc. We'd have to do everything on our own like in the past. Go hunting, fishing, grow our own crops, build our own homes etc. It was a much harder life. Help others, it's more likely others will help you when you need it. Yes, merger requires compromise. But again, it's in our individual best self interest.
People do one of two things. We reject things from our lives, or make them part of who we are. That's love. Learn a skill, you get good at it, it becomes part of who you are, and you usually love it. You had to have that cell phone. You love it, it's part of who you are. You are attracted to someone, you want to make them part of your life. Part of you. Your better half? So we already know this.
Everything we do is for our self interest. And because we're all human we have the same needs and the same self interest. And all things that have needs have self interest. But we can be wrong about what actually is in our best interest. So again, it's a long complex process. While we're all basically the same, we're also all unique and different. That causes chaos at times.
But the pattern is there for all to see, everywhere. Merger, making things part of self, is what it's all about. The more we do it, the safer, more stable, more prosperous we all are.
This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.