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Getting People to Stop Telling You to Quit Smoking

No Smoking

Smoking is legal but not in certain places.

Smoking is legal but not in certain places.

I am a Smoker!

I am a smoker, I smoke around 20-30 cigarettes every day and I have done so for many years now.

I know about all of the health issues associated with smoking, I know it is bad for me and I know about the dangers of passive smoking and the dangers that it may pose to others but I go outside when I light up a cigarette to avoid other people and to keep the smell of burning tobacco out of the house.

I am an addict, addicted to smoking but I am a happy smoker and at this point in my life I have no intention of stopping, no matter who tries to persuade me otherwise.

The Right to Smoke

Smoking is not illegal, cigarettes and tobacco are readily available in many shops and I am free to buy them with no fear of incrimination, I have the freedom of choice and to put it quite simply I choose to smoke.

I may not be allowed to smoke in public buildings, or in some outdoor public areas but other than those places I have the right to light up anywhere that I choose too.

I believe that I am a respectful smoker, I never smoke in a crowd, I don't smoke in front of my children and I would certainly never smoke in someone elses home.

I like to Smoke

I like to make my own cigarettes, not only is it a cheaper alternative but there is something theraputic about it.

I like to make my own cigarettes, not only is it a cheaper alternative but there is something theraputic about it.

Smoking Kills

I do know smoking is bad for my health but at the moment I am in a happy place with it.

I do know smoking is bad for my health but at the moment I am in a happy place with it.

I Smoke, Why do You Hate Me?

As a smoker I am often approached by strangers in the street who feel that it is their job to lecture me on the dangers of smoking and passive smoking.

These people seem to have nothing better to do with their time than go around telling other people how they should live their lives and are always holier than thou.

They always say one of four things.

"I am breathing in your smoke, you are putting my health at risk"

"You do know that smoking is bad for your health"

"Do you ever think of the money you would save if you didn't smoke?"

"You smell of smoke, your breath, your hair and your clothes all smell of smoke"

If I had a penny for every time I have heard any of those comments from strangers in the street, I would have enough money to keep me in cigarettes for the rest of my life.

Over the years I have learned how to respond to these well wishing do gooders and their comments and they don't stick around long enough to lecture me anymore.

"I am breathing in your smoke, you are putting my health at risk"

There are a few ways to answer to this accusation but my favorite answers are.


"Sir/madam you approached me and that is the only reason you are breathing in my smoke"

"Sir/madam we are standing here beside a busy road, the exhaust fumes from all of these cars are doing more damage to your lungs than my tiny bit of smoke from a cigarette could ever do"

"You do know that smoking is bad for your health"

"Yes sir/madam I do know the dangers of smoking but I choose to smoke despite the dangers"

"Yes I do sir/madam, do you know that shooting yourself in the head is bad for your health?"

"Oh My Goodness sir/madam is it really bad for my health? thank you for the warning"

"Do you ever think of the money you would save if you didn't smoke?"

"I often think about how much money I could save if I didn't smoke, I also wonder how much I could save if I didn't eat or drink either"

"Oh no! Ive spent all of my money on cigarettes, can you lend me some"

"Yes, I worked out that if I didn't smoke I could afford to buy heroin or other hard drugs and inject myself every day"

"You smell of smoke, your breath, your hair and your clothes all smell of smoke"

"Really I can't say that I ever noticed that before"

"Why do you worry about how I smell sir/madam, I am a happily married man and I have no intention of ever getting that close to you"

" Oh No! I spent all that money on deodarant and breath mints are you are telling me they don't work?"

Of course if all of these retorts fail to get rid of your lecturer a simple Fu** off usually does the trick.

Passive Smoking Kills Too

Avoid smoking in the company of non smokers.

Avoid smoking in the company of non smokers.

The Dangers of Smoking

Do you smoke?

I am a Smoker Let Me Be

I am a smoker and I am in a happy place with my habit, I do not encourage anyone to take up the habit and I certainly do not work for a tobacco company.

I smoke because I choose to smoke and all I want is to be allowed to smoke in privacy and in peace without the goody two shoes interupting my pleasure zone; after all I don't walk up to overweight people and tell them to stop eating

Smoking is detrimental to your health and your wealth and I would encourage anyone not to start smoking in the first place it isn't cool even if all of your friends are doing it.

To those who are trying to stop smoking I wish you luck and success.

Questions & Answers

Question: My father nags at me to quit smoking. My smoking keeps me sane and calm. How do I nicely tell him to stop trying to force me to quit?

Answer: Everyone who smokes gets nagged about it from someone close and even from strangers. Politely inform them that it is your personal choice to smoke and if you stop enjoying it or want to quit, you will. Also, tell them that if you did stop they may not like the person that you become because as you say, the smoking keeps you sane and calm.