A Letter to Myself - CA
A Letter to Myself
Hey, I know it has been hard to find motivation recently.
But I want you to know that it is completely okay to feel
lost, or feel any emotion at all. The world has become a
totally different place than what you're used to. Time is
just a concept so don't feel like you have to rush yourself
into doing anything because you feel like others are way
ahead of you. You are in a place in your life where it is okay
to just be. Just exist. You don't have to please anyone but
yourself. Stay in bed late. Eat that ice cream you keep telling
yourself you can't have. Listen to those songs over and over
again. Dance like an idiot when no one is watching. Tell yourself
it is okay to not be where you want to be in life right now. Chances
are, you are not the only one who feels like this. Stop making your-
self feel bad and just live.
someone who thought you needed to hear this