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The Lifestyle of My Brother Part-1

Pic: My Brother Making An Oath to the Universe

Pic: My Brother Making An Oath to the Universe


My brother is fifteen years younger than me, and he is approaching his thirties. He works now a full-time job as a Senior Web Developer, and his hands are full toiling with sources of extra income.

So when he comes to visit us over the weekend, he is still into his work tasks over his laptop. I work hard to make meals for him, or we just order online. We have cold drinks, coffee or tea as our moods suit.

Stories of his Daily Life

It is during these meals we hold short conversations about stories of his daily life. He says as his work as a web developer, he is good at the front end, and he still has to work hard to be an expert at the backend. Then, he can have another raise/promotion.

He tries very hard to learn and compete with his peers. Yet, those under him are too amateurs or naïve. He has to teach them all the time, even the simplest coding!

As he complained to his manager about this, they promised to keep him on the recruiting team next time onwards so that my brother can help the team to select new prospective team members.

Looks like my brother has finally found the job that suits him well. It wasn’t so well like this all the time.

He has been in jobs that he didn’t find interesting, and he didn’t get along well with them.

He works hard to keep up the pace with his work as new applications and programming languages are being updated and invented all the time.

He has to work doubly hard because he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from abroad. He couldn't find a suitable job in this field after returning to our country. So he entered the Computer Science and Engineering field, and he has to keep learning all the time.

It is his choice and his life. If he is happy with his life, we all share in his happiness and have all the blessings for him.


Pic: My Brother Graduating from the University of North Texas (UNT), USA

Pic: My Brother Graduating from the University of North Texas (UNT), USA

His Marital Status

He is not married yet but doesn’t stay with us because our earlier residence is more suitable for him as his workplace is nearer from there. As a result, although it is double expenditure for us about paying bills for our old and new residence, we have come to accept this as our way of life. I have completely abandoned our old residence but my Mom goes there on errands and sometimes stays there with my brother.

His Well-Being

My brother resembles my dad and is much bulkier than him as he takes in a lot of junk and fast food. He knows how to cook and does cook sometimes. But his intake of fast food is hampering his health.

Until now he is quite okay. I just hope and pray that he will get back to his ideal weight one day soon when he realizes that health is wealth and will put more time on self-care and exercise.

All I can do now is imagine him liberating his soul, embracing the universe and taking a vow to reduce to his ideal weight as shown in the following picture.

Pic: My Brother Embracing the Universe and Taking a Vow to Get Back to His Ideal Health

Pic: My Brother Embracing the Universe and Taking a Vow to Get Back to His Ideal Health

The Foods He Likes

He loves chicken with greater preference than fish or beef. He enjoys fresh donuts and French fries. Among cold drinks, he loves Coke and chocolate shakes.

What Are His Friends Like?

He can mix with anybody, even with persons who have never completed their schooling so long they respect him and give attention to him. Then he will go the extra mile to do things for them they ask fervently.

His Temper

If you push him around and be a nagger, he will show off his temper and refuse to talk to us for days. He gets so mad that he may stop drinking and eating altogether. That’s another extreme personality trait in him, and it’s hazardous for him and us. So we try our best to say and do things in ways that would keep him calm, without getting on his nerves.


Needless to say, he is a gregarious and joyful person to be around. He is the only brother we have. Being the youngest sibling of the family, he does deserve all the attention and affection from us. Yes, we all love him dearly. I wish him all the very best and all the success in his future endeavors.

© 2019 Rosina S Khan