Facing a Crossroad? Choose God
Decision Making
I remember the story of a friend not too far back, who was faced with a difficult choice in life. It was a choice between continuing to pursue a lucrative career in the construction industry abroad, or to finally, permanently, come and settle back home to be with his family. It was a difficult decision being that he'd have to exchange the stability for uncertainty.
He narrated to me how his focus on his career brought him to heights he never thought he’d achieve. He was what we'd call a "made man". Professional, financially, materially, he had everything he needed and even more.
While his career which was rapidly on it’s way up, his family life was on a down turn with relationships starting to deteriorate.
Although he was GAINING THE THINGS THE WORLD could offer, he was slowly LOSING HIS FAMILY.
He made the decision to leave the lucrative offers abroad to come back home and rebuild his deteriorating relationship with his wife and kids. He believes that more than all the material things in the world, God wants to preserve the family.
He says that upto this day, he has never regretted the choice that he made. Although he isn't raking in cash like he did when he was abroad, he says, deciding to come home has allowed him to enjoy life more and reconnect with his family.
In Genesis 2:9 we see how God, intentionally places the Tree of life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil right at the center of the Garden of Eden where He had created Adam and Eve to live. He purposely gave them free access to everything in the garden, even these two trees. So, we ask, what made partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil wrong?
Wouldn't it have been far more beneficial for man to know the difference between good and evil? But then it dawned on me that, the weight of Gods' command didn't lie in the nature of the tree itself, but rather that the command came from God Himself. It was God's very first command, a warning to Adam. It was man's very first opportunity to CHOOSE to obey God, but he didn't.
We must at all times be on guard when we make tough choices in our life. The toughest choices we make are not really between what is bad and what is good, but often times it's about choosing what is good and what is best. God, in consistency with His character, and how He has made man in His image, has not withheld anything from us.
We have the same access to choosing the bad from good and the good from best. It's a choice that He has given us, a conscious decision that we have to make. The choice to listen to God's warning and obey His commands or pursue our own selfish desires.
When you are at the CROSSROAD of your life consider these things before you make a decision:
1. Ask yourself the question: Am I pleasing God in the choice I am making?
Haggai 1:7
Thus says the LORD of hosts, "Consider your ways!
2. Ask for counsel from people whom you trust can give you godly counsel.
Proverbs 11:14
Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory.
3. Be pure in heart because more than the decision itself, the Lord looks at the integrity of your heart.
1 Chronicles 29:17
"Since I know, O my God, that You try the heart and delight in uprightness, I, in the integrity of my heart, have willingly offered all these things; so now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here, make their offerings willingly to You.
© 2018 Milton Luga