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The Moonlit Voyage ~ The Shadowed Fray

Odette felt her heart overwhelm with faith while keeping up with the flight. Oh, how her wings were starting to burn with each wing beat. Everything felt like a blur in her head though, like a mass of honey was poured over her memories with each passing day. That was why her faith was so important, keeping those around her close and dear to her heart as one memory remained above all ~ she had a family. She began everything with a family… Then, there came this grand gathering of others with each step and breath she took in this grand place ~

As distant as they seemed to be, currently, there were sparks of memory here and there of the life she had. Coming to her all at once in fragments, it only left Odette more confused. For she loved the ones with her now, as though just as much as the love she had before. It was all so familiar, and potent. All the more to throw those fears aside, knowing that something was beginning to blossom. She could personally tell the difference…

Focusing on what was lain before her helped that confusion to go away slightly. She could will it all she wanted but even now, past experiences were confusing her still. As much as she tried to push them back, her thoughts on how love, and devotion was treated back in her old life and world remained in the forefront. Instead of speaking about it again, Odette kept it to herself through this day of flying, as the cooler time of day was starting to come to pass. A face she recalled, was not seen with devotion, but with anxiety. Control and manipulation, and the need to please the other so that they would be pacified for another day… In all truth, spending months on a lake proved far less horrible than this memory. The more she thought on it, the more broken the face became until there was nothing left… Something broke her away from those thought when a particular stone tower had come firmly into view.

Of all times, it would seem that the day flashed by, to each dismay. Jiminy spotted that tower and worriedly, and boldly climbed further up along Odette’s feathers, using them as a ladder. Losing his hat in the process, Faer happily caught it for him while Jiminy edged out atop Odette’s head.

Hasn’t that been the place that has been taunting us ever since?” Dorothea asked, at awe at the sight of this neighbor that took a day’s time to reach, that was just outside the limits of their oasis.

“Flown over it once, I didn’t want to believe it…” Jiminy began while the numbers below them as soon come upon an obstacle.

What is that place?” Odette asked, confused before she heard Eleonor gasp.

Looks to be a witch’s tower!” she mentioned, with an ounce of dread in her voice.

“How do you know that…?!” Jiminy barked, aghast at her knowledge.

Eleonor gave a shake of her head, in remorse before staying on track. “The men are stopping! We have to land before it gets too dark…”

We need to stay by water! If we’re to be ourselves~” Antoinette feared aloud.

Do I not know that!? Come, lower down with me~” Eleonor egged them on, and they closely followed.

Flurried Panic!

Claude Frollo led his men on until there came a strange pass down the path where a river met a curve. One fright Quasimodo was enduring was the fact that he watched the flock soar over, crossing this river and leaving their sights entirely… It shot off as odd to them and Quasimodo pulled Fidele a little too harshly at the water’s edge.

Quasimodo!” Frollo bellowed, in a panic and gladly the Woodsman was able to maneuver Fidele just in time.

Following Quasimodo’s terrified gaze as he rode up next to him, Claude beheld the reason…

A black raven had come out of the trees below, and began chasing the flock. Jiminy was second to see it and Odette heard him gasp before her head of pecked at. It felt as if a stone was thrown at her head.

“LOOK OUT, ETTE!” she heard Ida cry out before more of these black feinds seemingly came out of nowehere.

“Take their Voice away — Bring the Diamond Swan to Me~!”

There was an indication that these black birds were not entirely real. Eleonor’s goal was to bring them to the shelter of the tower instead of the water. Faer was at a loss as each swan were taking hits and blows while one was aiming directly at Odette’s back. She realized why they were here! Jiminy gave a yelp and did everything in his power to dodge but to keep her from getting hurt, but it was not a possible task. The other mad idea was to leap off —

Jiminy, no!” she cried to him, getting choppy with her flying.

“Don’t worry about me, hon!” he cried out to her, in return, and Faer flew to them. “Fly!”

A raven was close to getting its beak too close and only got a kick to the eye, by Faer who tried to pull it away before it could get a deadly hold on the cricket. Odette had enough and swooped around to kick the raven aside, but her attempt caused her to fall, much to the fear of the rest of the flock. Eleonor looked back —

Jiminy was still clinging to her, but she spun out!

ODETTE — JIMINY —!” came numerous cries above her and below as she was spinning.

In her point of view, it was all chaos as she tried to straighten herself out. She was so dizzy she could hardly see. The evening was darkening around her. Something even darker than their attackers seemed to block out the light for a second. She expected to hit water, however, feather and force struck her tail just before she hit anything. Black wings passed her face and found that she was straightened just enough to regain her pattern.

FLAP, FLAP WITH ME! COME ON, ‘ETTE!” came Eleonor’s voice.

Odette looked down, seeing water and following the black winged one, she was able to pull herself upward in time with only their wing tips scraping the surface…


The Seven Dwarfs kept up with the best of their ability and they were horrified to see the avian battle from afar and high above reach. Happy and Bashful gave wails of despair when they saw Odette fall. Tears sprung to Dopey’s eyes. Grumpy felt a horrid lurch in his chest ~ a sickly cold one ,and he bounded.

“Hurry, men! Hurry!” his voice actually shook.

No words were needed to be shared when Frollo bolted out along the river, accompanying Quasimodo who took his own arbalist while looking livid. The Dark Winged Swan was able to dive down after the Diamond Swan, just in time to retain her flight after going into a vicious spin out that nearly ended her life right then and there. A swarm of Ravens had assaulted their flock, right at the time they met their next obstacle, and so it was hardly a coincidence.

“AIM YOUR ARBALISTS!” Frollo spitefully ordered his numbers, who wasted no time as these shadows took form of more ravens that took after the two swans.

The struggle was not over yet as the two were now easily spotted by these obviously conjured spies. Odette couldn’t feel Jiminy on her back, nor could she hear him which sent a sharp pang of fear in her heart. However, she could feel the chill at her tail as those awful birds drew near. As she and Eleonor flew on as quick as they could, they both could feel the wind of arrows flying deadly quick passed, shooting through a few of the birds taking chase. Feathers of ebony flurried in the air before dispursing into wisps of smoke and dust after being shot at by arrows. It confounded them both, yet they didn’t dare stop flying… Odette was able to catch sights of the others retreating back to the safety of the Parisians. As she followed Eleonor in turning the opposite way to follow them, Odette was able to see Quasimodo in the corner of her eye.

There was no physical way to cross a river so great. Only if one could fly or swim, but her heart made a leap when Quasimodo took it upon himself to climb ahead amidst a few of the massive rocks when he himself had witnessed something. Those form changing wisps seemed to have scared off, but they left quite the impression~ The realization that the fray may have caused a tragedy had settled over them all, when Quasimodo had so oddly climbed into the brush.

Each of the five swans who were left behind all managed to fly down and land in the calmer waters before Eleonor brought Odette back into Claude’s sights once more. Each one seemed flustered and confused, but Odette and Eleonor were the only two he needed to really see return. Odette looked entirely perturbed when she was aware that the Cricket was nowhere to be found ~ Not on her back or anywhere on her person. Ida held something tiny in her bill. It was a pale blue hat with orange lining above the brim…

“Their advocate has been lost,” Frollo realized in spite of his anger, which turned fast into frantic worry.

“Advocate…?” questioned one of the Lieutenants.

“Their assigned voice, he who speaks in their stead — He must be found. He is no greater than your thumbs!” he stated seconds before noticing the rash Quasimodo heading directly into the forest, as though on the trail of something.

“After Quasimodo! Do not lose sight of him!”

Quasimodo could plainly hear the men bark and bicker amongst each other as he had gone through trees… When those Ravens were dispersed by the flying arrows after they were chasing after Odette and Eleonor, he saw the tiny form of the gentleman fall and then float down into these canopies~ He had to be quick as this could wind up in two ways. Knowing the ladies were safe now, Jiminy was greatly important to them. Deep in his heart, Quasimodo feared the worst while he searched.

“So small and dear~ Of course, dangers come to flood us with abandon…” Quasimodo was naturally prone to despair in the moment yet he pressed on… “Call out to me… Say something~” he prayed aloud.

There came a shaky little yelp from somewhere above his head, prompting Quasimodo to look up into the darkening branches.

“… Qu-quasimodo!? Son?? Is that you — oh my stars!” came that shaken little voice as though as part of the wind. It only worried Quasimodo more as it sounded frantic.

“Keep speaking to me, sir~” Quasimodo called upward, before finding the one tree that seemed closer to the voice. “I-I’ll find you!"

He began to climb, and found that light voice becoming gladly louder.

“Part of why I never had a penchant for flying — Was anyone of them hurt? What happened to Casey and Elle— !?”

“The-they… are~” Quasimodo was close to answering before he happily spotted a space overtaken by loose cobweb. “They are just fine,” he continued, keeping his eyes peeled. “They’ve just landed at the bank ~ those shadows were shot off…” he explained just in time to find their little friend struggling to free his foot from a rope of cobweb with the hook of his parasol. Greatly, it was to his relief that Jiminy was sound after that tremendous scuffle. It scattered their wings, and left all of the men in a fray… but at least no one was hurt.

“Never thought I’d feel like a pool ball in the corner pocket again~” Jiminy sighed as soon as Quasimodo got to his level in the canopy. That statement made him laugh as the poor gentleman was trying make light of the situation. With gentle hand, Jiminy was finally able to rest in his palm as he snapped the string of web off with his other hand. “Oh! Thank you ever so much, young man~” Jiminy thanked with a voice heavy in tiredness.

“They came — simply — out of nowhere,” Quasimodo began, breathless just the same as the other. “Right at the brink of finding the nearest way to the shores… They seemed to fly on without waiting for us.” he then pointed out in concern.

“The ladies are prone to rash actions — Please keep that hush hush between you and meI was about to voice my worries before those black’ins came shooting down at us.” Jiminy stated. “There’s a tower… One that lady Eleonor was aiming for.”

“A-aiming for? Why?” Quasimodo asked, with divine worry.


“I haven’t the foggiest idea…” Jiminy admitted defeat and yet, at the moment, he felt very safe in Quasimodo’s palm.

“She may know something, but… come — come — We must be quick~” Quasimodo said lastly before he let himself drop down fully to the ground on both feet with his rescued comrade.

All manner of worry settled into the knights, especially the protected flock who were still in some shock from the initial surprise of being absolutely ambushed. Odette was entirely ruffled and worried as time was drawing near. Eleonor flared her wings high, with an air of ruing on her part of neglecting the men who were protecting them for a moment… Odette and Jiminy had nearly been greatly injured during that fiasco. Frollo had loomed at the banks of the calm river where they were gripping to roost, looking entirely exasperated by the event. Odette shied before him, making it clear that her accident was not intentional. Eleonor looked on edge to him as she averted herself from his gaze. It was clear that there was some disagreement going on.

“You have returned to us soundly.” he began, his deep drawl hiding the fact that he was angered. The tensity in his jaw was a clear indicator. Odette ducked her head when she noticed that little detail. “Besides the fact of you flying beyond our bounds was strictly rash, you nearly cost one of your own lives. Not a feather out of place, as it should be, lady. Indeed, for the time being, we must wait. We shall speak on this matter under the moon.”

Eleonor almost quirked her head to him, but remained cowed at first glance. However the blessed moment came when Quasimodo had returned to the group, diverting Frollo’s attention from the two instantly. Quasimodo ushered the men to remain calm as they approached him, and his rescued one rested safely in his palm. The girls were equally giddy when he came, particularly Odette.

Quasimodo was honestly out of breath for a second when he appeared to them, with one Cricket safely in hand while the Seven were dashing out of the woods in a panic. The swans flapped their wings in overjoy amidst the exhaustion of it all. Doc, followed by Grumpy and Happy, with Dopey merely tripping over his own cloak, came running out of the trees. Who came in tow were Sneezy, Sleepy and Bashful. Each were nearly in tears when they witness such from afar, as they were trying to keep up with the knighthood. Yet now it seemed that all was well.

“For what was the reason for you to vanish without a word, boy!?” Frollo barked after he too had a fright in the moment.

“Sir Jiminy had fallen from above~” Quasimodo reasoned. “I had to make sure he was s-sound, sir…” he stated, quite out of breath.

That was before he revealed their comrade in his hand, whose pallor was worsened. Jiminy was still shaken but he was well and safe.

“Praise from Heaven…” Frollo groaned before he ushered the few of the knights to surround and keep vigil. The Seven were allowed to approach the recovering Flock. “Do speak of what you have seen, sir Jiminy… Above all, as we wait for our fair maidens to speak tonight.”

Odette was trying to reach her neck far towards Quasimodo, who so gently brought Jiminy to her bill~ where he really belonged — so she could see that he was unharmed. As well as Jiminy could see that none of the ladies were harmed; especially the Diamond Swan. With an expectation, Quasimodo was able to spy the light of the moon threatening the horizon~ and lo, there would become a test as they were now away from Mondfall.It was before anymore words could be shared when the moonlight soon lit up this dank evening.

“Jiminy Cricket, you are as safe as could be! You’re not hurt!” Odette praised, with her voice clear to his own ears. “Oh, bless you, Quasimodo!”

“I’m right as rain, ladies — right as rain!” Jiminy nearly wept out.

Who knew how Eleonor was feeling about this presently, but Odette’s eyes reflected brightly up towards Quasimodo, thankful for his coming entirely, even sharing the same exchange with Frollo who was gravely observing them from a fair distance. Of course, only time would tell because the river brightened as the moon lingered above. Even in this moment, she felt like she was home…

Through his eyes, it took a grand amount of beating in order to get this far. Not for years had he ever feel this deeply before, excepting when he was young and impressionable. Quasimodo’s shattered heart had led him to run away, foolheartedly, from his humble abode… Even after discovering a few things about his own roots, it only made him resent Frollo even further prior to this final resolution as of late. Long before this poisonous war. Even now, they were altogether still, even as he too held a trinket upon his person to remind him of the fact that all of this was worth it. As well as this woman’s eyes staring into his own, with a glow akin to something he had felt before …

The Seven all clambered towards the bank like a pack of puppies, whimpering and gasping when they saw Quasimodo take his arm away after helping Jiminy to embrace Odette, just moments before the moonlight to strike the restless waters. It was what they had hoped for because, right when the light touched the flock upon their wings, the enchantment ignited once again… Veils wrapped about their white bodies. Emerald bent and dragged the water high over them, capturing them each… Frollo shuddered, naturally waving his men to disperse as the moment had ended.

The old name she had before had made no sense in the world she was snatched into anymore… Had she opted to keep it, it only brought her pain to everything she had potentially lost. At the moment, when she shook off the current change back to her human self with them, she tried not to gaze at her reflection in the water. Narrowly, she averted from it, wrapping her arms about herself as her dear friends had come close to comfort her.

Odette felt Quasimodo take her hand to help her to step up onto the bank. Grumpy took Eleonor’s, as Happy took Ida’s. Dopey and Bashful assisted Dorothea and Mary while Sleepy and Sneezy took Antoinette and Caroll-Anne. Doc was the only Dwarf right beside Quasimodo, as they each gathered onto dry land before the sober gaze of the Magistrate.

“You gave us such a f-fight — fright!” Doc cried. “Do tell us that none of you are injured!”

“We thought the worst had happened to ya!” Happy nearly wept out of worry.

“D’rn shadows came in without a second thought — What were they?” Grumpy got to the questioning.

“Ravens…” Eleonor soured. “Fake, smoke ravens…”

“I assume they had been following you, specifically…” Frollo spoke, harshly.

“One vanished the moment I kicked it…” Ida thought she should mention.

“They were at my back,” Odette further explained to him. “… they were trying to snatch Jiminy from his mount on me. I tried to spin to kick them off but… I then… lost control of myself - - Please, forgive me, Your honor…” she kept locking eyes with Quasimodo that whole while to keep herself confident, but she soon bowed to Frollo in respect. It was not as though that little eye contact did not go unnoticed, by the way.

“The most crucial thing is that you and your flock are sound and safe, dear Lady.” Frollo stated, despite how cold stone serious he seemed to be. It looked to her that he was angered after the fact. At that, he offered his hand to her so that she could stand without conviction.

“Neither of us meant too,” Odette continued, with great remorse. However, Frollo was not looking at her for that moment.

“Is that truly so, child?” inquired that urgent baritone that was an element of them getting accostumed to. “… was it not you who was soaring blindly into crossfire should any come across her?” he asked Eleonor, outright, in front of the entire troupe alone.

Jiminy had a little bit of hard time catching his breath from his own fiasco, slowly stood in Odette’s palm, observing this going down. Quasimodo caught on to the growing concern in the gentleman’s eyes. Odette felt Quasimodo’s shadow happen right by her, as thought he stayed closer yet he eyed Frollo’s movements towards the black maned lass.

Eleonor’s eyes screamed of guilt as she was eyed down upon by Frollo’s mere gaze of mistrust. Her fellow maidens cautious stepped aside, as did the Seven men… Odette had come to realization now of the matter at large, remembering that she saw something odd in the distance during their flight with Eleonor at the head of their awkward formation. In her defense, she was sure there was no ill intent before they were bombarded… Right?

Eleonor dropped her crossed arms when she was put right into the corner with no one at her side. She locked her hazel eyes with sharp olive ones as she was ordered to explain herself. The mark of dismay and confusion laced in the son’s eyes prodded her to finally open her mouth.

“Being blunt, Your Honor, I had my eyes on a landmark and had forgotten that the river cut through… In a spur of the moment, when those ravens struck us — I meant to lead the girls to it, to shelter — …”

“ — And what Landmark would that be, Lady Eleonor!? That was so crucial for you to neglect our agreement?” Frollo’s questioning stunned those behind him, as they watched on. “Speak for yourself, child.”

Ida was at a loss for words for once, suddenly realizing the issue and sparked a look of honest confusion as with the rest.

“ … A tower, sire. It is a tower. One that has been taunting us for two years…” she answered, finally.

“Tower? What tower…?” Quasimodo’s voice sparked surprise in them, out of the blue. His brow was furrowed as he studied her, profoundly. Even he looked betrayed by her decision. Odette was worried, as was Jiminy.

“And why would you consider that wise to pursue during a midair assault when you were obligated to return to us to shelter you?” Frollo went on with the interrogation.

Eleonor was left with no excuse after that inquiry. “What - who ~ wh-wha-why would you bring ‘em there…?” Doc suddenly spoke up.

“I would like t’know exactly…” Grumpy near hissed at her general direction.

“Why there, Eleonor?” the Cricket asked, cowed.

With all eyes on her, Eleonor took a breath with her eyes stinging. Odette’s brown eyes were already tearing.

“It was not my intention, but when I saw them come down at us, it was my first thought. As an apprentice in my youth, I had spent time in one of them…”

“An apprentice?” Frollo’s eyes sharpened as he spoke. “… of what trade, exactly?”

Eleonor was silent for a moment, dreading to answer. She had no choice. “ … Alchemy.” she told him, before glancing at Mary and Ida, who both gazed down at their hands.

Everyone was able to pick up Claude Frollo tensely breathing in after that answer. “Intriquing, young blackwing. For someone like you to fall beneath a curse’s shadow with such a trade under her thumb. This tower above these trees, you do recognize… and yet you have neglected to speak of it to us. Neither of ye have spoken of it…” he then eyed the ladies, poisonously at first.

“… we only trusted her, sire, honestly…” Mary spoke up for them.

“In truth, we feared of it being a place where someone was watching us…” Caroll Anne added.

“We saw it before the birds hit us. We were honestly following her - we trust her. She’s our sister…” Dorothea explained, honestly feeling twisted now.

“… and you aimed for it during a dire moment.” Frollo then drew his gaze back on Eleonor. “We will inspect it. And all of you are under guard, is that understood? You belong to the Parisian Justice — Do not forget that you do — Such foolishness is not worth risking the lives of those who put their faith in you… This experience that you speak of gives me no doubt that you have visited these places before. That shall be investigated further, woman.”

Both Odette and Quasimodo exchanged apologetic looks to each other for a brief second, knowing he would be ordered right then. With this unrest, Odette noticed that she herself was doing a certain habit she had done back in her old life; which was looking towards someone for approval, or support of some kind which was only reserved for anyone she was feeling a closeness to. Unbeknownst to him, or the others… she kept the thought to herself. Yet her cheeks had gone red when she realized.

“Accompany Quasimodo. And go and investigate this strange landmark. Use the Robin to foresee before going further.” Frollo ordered his men.

Settling his bow and dagger on his belt, Quasimodo got into focus. Faer pinched on his shoulder hard when he mounted Fidele before he was followed by six of the Knights out of the many.

“We shall remain here for the night. No one leaves this glen. Understood?” Frollo told the women, who were now all sat on the grass farther from the riverbank. Odette nodded. They all did… Jiminy settled down, took his recovered hat off and sat amidst the blades, stunned as Frollo had gone again with his son and numbers to investigate this new land and configure a way to cross this river.

The Dwarfs were no doubt worried of what had went down as well… The girls were all in trouble due to this mysterious attack.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2024 Casey Oliphant