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Who is Jesus? - As Discussed by John the Disciple - A Flash Fiction Narrative


Who is Jesus? - A First Glance

At first glance Jesus might not appear to be a spectacular person and to many He is not. After all, it is hard to believe that God would come down to earth, be born in a stable, live a life of obscurity for 30 years and then all of a sudden declare that He is God. It is a life that for many seems nothing more than a fable. I know when I first met him I felt the same way. Who am I? My name is John. I am a disciple of Jesus. I traveled with him for many years. Now I sit in a prison for my faith writing to all who take the time to read my words. To my contemporaries now and all who may read my words in the future. What you do with the words is entirely up to you. Now listen as I tell you about Jesus.”

Many of the people we ran into used to ask us, “Who Is this Jesus? Isn’t he just another person born in the lowly town of Bethlehem? Others would say Jesus is merely a “man whose life was made to look miraculous by a few followers”, or in your day isn’t he a person “whose time has come and gone” and now we must move on. The true image of Jesus has become so faded that many do not offer more than a first glance; then they turn and walk away


Who Is Jesus? - A Closer Look

However I must say if you take a closer look at the life of Jesus you would see a man who was a friend to all, but was despised by many. Jesus was a man who made claims about Himself that He backed up with His actions. Sadly to say some who took what seemed a closer look only see Jesus as another in a long line of prophets who came and pronounced that we are to follow in the footsteps of a God who may or may not exist.


These are the people who go around saying that what Jesus said has some moral value, but they will not go so far as to say that Jesus is God, but it is a good idea to listen to Him. The problem with this type of logic is that if Jesus claimed to be God and you feel He isn’t really God then how can you consider what He says to be true and worthy of any moral value?

After all, how could someone you claim is lying about one thing be considered to be truthful about another? Also would a moral man go around lying about who He is? These are all questions that need to be dealt with if you are to see the truth.


Who Is Jesus? - The Truth

It is only when you get up close and personal that you begin to see Jesus for who He really is. When you get close enough to really know Jesus like I and the other 11 did, all the illusions are gone and the truth shines forth like a beacon in the night. The truth of the matter is too many people intentionally hold a translucent screen between them and Jesus which becomes their defense against dealing with the truth.

Jesus said in the Gospel, which bears my name, in verse 14:6 that He is “the truth”. What does that really mean when we look at it in light of the question, who is Jesus? It means that when we look at scriptures we know that what Jesus is telling us is true and we must act on that truth. Jesus gave us many examples of the truth through word and deed, signs and wonders. Jesus did all those things not because He wanted to show off but in order to give us proof that he was the “the truth” and through the acceptance of “the truth” we can have life.

So who is Jesus? When we accept the truth we can see through eyewitness testimony and changed lives that Jesus truly is the Son of God. The problem is that the truth does not come easy but only when we let go of our own will

© 2021 Timothy Whitt