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Tribute to Butterflies

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Butterflies, beautiful flutter byes, their numbers now are fleeing,

Summer's sweet song is now long gone, lovely wings all freeing.

Autumn is here, the cold is near, bright colors all are mingling,

All the leaves, swirl on Autumn' s eves, as noses are all tingling.


As they float through the air with the greatest of ease, butterflies soar,

Doing antics, like circus performers on a trapeze, we all ask for more.

Each landing they make, precision at stake, on flower's petals, all light.

Harvest the dew, pollen there, too, gorgeous reflections of their sight.



Each butterfly's design, a heavenly sign, of the creator's artistic hand,

When butterflies dine, to us they remind, of a majestic event, so grand.

Every trip that they take, helping bees all to make pollination a reality,

It takes one and all, the great and the small, the total preservation to be.


Each butterfly is nature's design, the best of its kind, brightens every day,

The creator of us each, a lesson to teach, just to look and see his display.

Knowing in our hearts, we all play our parts, although so small, in its way,

A sign he does give, in lives that all live, vibrant wonders, as we do pray.
